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Blackstone Fortress Index

Welcome Explorer,

For your convenience, we've collected together every article on Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress so you can easily find everything you need to know. We've got unboxings of the new set, tactical tips for the game itself, and exploration of the lore of this mysterious new structure. There's even a feature-length How to Play video and a playlist of Blackstone Fortress painting videos to help you get your models ready for your first quest.

Blackstone Fortress – A New Portal Opens…

The Future Of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress

Tales from the Blackstone Fortress


The Hunt for the Blackstone Fortress 1: Precipice

The Hunt for the Blackstone Fortress 2: The Explorers

The Hunt for the Blackstone Fortress 3: The Fortress

The Hunt for the Blackstone Fortress 4: The Hostiles

The Blackstone Fortress Awakens

Blackstone Fortress: Unboxed!

Blackstone Fortress: Setting the Scene

Blackstone Fortress: Choosing Your Explorer

Blackstone Fortress: The Datasheets and Exclusive Goodies

Pre-order Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress Now

The Art of Blackstone Fortress

Blackstone Fortress: Which Explorer are You?

Blackstone Fortress: How Not To Die

Blackstone Fortress: The Novel

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress – Designing the Tiles

Visit the Blackstone Fortress site