The Middle-earth team’s resident scribe Jay Clare returns with the final part of Clash of Heroes. The question is, who won the coveted title?
Middle earth isn't all kings and monsters! This week we picked those heroes with half-the height, but just as much fight!
Jay: Two weeks ago, we rekindled our Clash of Heroes series, pitting a variety of Middle-earth Heroes and Villains against one another in single combat. This time the smaller (not literally!)* Heroes and Villains of Middle-earth faced off. If you haven’t read the previous blog, make sure you check it out before reading on to see how our eight remaining Heroes got on in their quest for glory!
Here is how they finished after Round 1.

Sid Briarthorn and Grishnákh fought long and hard in an excellent back-and-forth battle which saw each of them poised for victory on multiple occasions. With both fighters out of Might and Fate, and only on a single Wound, Grishnákh blew an excellent chance to claim the win. The following turn saw the fight determined by a roll-off, which went in the favour of Sid. Unlike his Orc foe, Sid did not spurn the opportunity, clubbing Grishnákh to death and securing an unlikely place in the semi-finals!
As he did in the previous round, Bilbo quickly slipped on the Ring. The sneaky Hobbit was able to win the first couple of fights, dealing a single Wound to Sharku and, luckily, not suffering any in return from his Riding Dagger. However, Sharku soon rallied, dealing two Wounds to Bilbo the following turn, in which the Hobbit had to use all of his Fate in order to survive. Sensing victory, Sharku charged Bilbo one final time, dealing the decisive blow that saw him book his place in the next round!
Bandobras charged headlong into the Shield Maiden of Rohan, but Éowyn’s superior Fight Value saw her win the fight and slay Bandobras’ horse from under him. Dismounted and with the lower Fight Value, Bandobras proved no match for Éowyn, who quickly dispatched the Bullroarer over the next two turns. Forth Eorlingas!
Bofur charged into the farmer, and was then quickly surrounded by the protective Grip, Fang, and Wolf. It was Bofur who won the first fight, slaying Grip much to the dismay of Farmer Maggot! Such an act clearly angered the dice gods,** as Bofur rolled a double-1 for the next fight, allowing Farmer Maggot, Fang, and Wolf to enact a swift revenge with the combination of teeth, claws, and a particularly sharp scythe!

In the battle of Saruman’s lackeys, it was Sid Briarthorn who struck first, dealing a Wound to Sharku and taking none in return. Sharku wasn’t to be outdone, however, and retaliated quickly, causing a Wound to Sid. Not one to go down without a fight – I mean, just look at his face! – Sid fought back, leaving Grishnákh with a single Wound and no Fate. Yet, Sharku’s Riding Dagger had left Sid in the same precarious position… In what would prove to be the final combat, Sid won the fight and lashed out at Sharku. However, Sid was unable to harm the Orc who promptly hit back with his Riding Dagger and claimed his place in the final!
Farmer Maggot and his hounds quickly surrounded Éowyn, though the Shield Maiden was able to fend them off and even fell poor Fang. However, like those who had already fought Farmer Maggot, being surrounded was simply too much for Éowyn, with Grip and Wolf bringing her down. Sometimes rolling more dice is better than having a higher Fight Value!

And so, the final. Sharku and his trusty Riding Dagger (which has certainly proved effective!) against Farmer Maggot and his hounds. But only one could emerge victorious…
Sharku quickly found himself surrounded by the snarling dogs, and one rather angry farmer – however, it was the Orc who struck first, slaying Grip! Farmer Maggot and his remaining hounds won the next fight, spending Might to ensure the win, and prepared to attack. Fang went for Sharku, failed to Wound, and was laid low by the Riding Dagger. The same fate quickly befell Wolf, and suddenly Farmer Maggot was all alone! However, Maggot was yet to strike and, clearly incensed by the loss of his faithful friends, struck Sharku’s head clean from his shoulders. Victory for Farmer Maggot of the Shire!

Thanks, Jay! And there you have it – the winner of this installment of Middle-earth Clash of Heroes is Farmer Maggot! Did you correctly guess who would win? Keep your eyes peeled for another Clash of Heroes in the future, and let us know who you’d like to see compete next time on the Warhammer Official Facebook page.
* OK, so ‘literally’ in the case of the Hobbits!
** We’re not sure what relation the dice gods have to the Valar, though…