The moment Adeptus Titanicus Princeps have been waiting for is finally here… now you can emulate the Legio Audax and fire the Ursus Claw! Well, almost – you’ll have to pre-order yours first, and you can do that right now.
The Ursus Claw is a weapon for Warhound Scout Titans, made famous in Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Horus Heresy novel Betrayer. It is, essentially, a harpoon on a retractable chain that a Warhound can use to impale an enemy Titan and disorient it, forcing it to turn – or even causing it to be Laid Low! The more Titans firing Ursus Claws, the more powerful the attack, so surround an opponent with claw-wielding Warhounds, and even a mighty Warlord will be threatened.
The kit can instead build a Natrix Shock Lance. Taking the idea of the Ursus Claw to greater extremes, the Shock Lance has a shorter range, but delivers a potent burst of energy to an impaled Titan that can disrupt its systems, causing it to receive a Shutdown order.*
If you like to battle aggressively and bring your opponents low, Ursus Claws and Natrix Shock Lances are just the thing for you. Pre-order yours now, and pick up some Warhound Scout Titans to use them with.
* Check out our article on Orders from earlier in the week to see why that’s a Bad Thing for the shut-down Titan.