Want to learn more about what you can look forward to in the new Warhammer 40,000 codexes? Set a reminder for this Saturday to catch your first solid look at the new Space Marines and Necrons books, find out what’s coming next, and witness a few more miniatures reveals for good measure!

You can also catch the live reveal show on Twitch! Simply use the handy chart below to see when it’s on in your neck of the woods. As always, we’ll be covering the highlights and showing you close-up pics of the models right here, so check back on the day if you prefer to read – or if you just want to relive the excitement!
The preview will be free to watch, and Twitch subscribers will be able to add their own comments and ask questions as always. Not a subscriber yet? Become one now – and remember, if you’ve got Amazon Prime, you can subscribe for free.
Spread the word and join us on Saturday for all the action. Head over to our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page and let us know what you’re hoping to see!