It’s time for your monthly briefing. We’re seeing those blue-collar Orlocks getting some ideas above their station – I think they’ve seen what the Goliaths and Eschers have been up to and fancy a piece for themselves. Grab your recaff and check out what we’re going to be up against in the underhive soon.

In ’Arms Way
The new Orlock Champions are the Arms Masters. Not only do they keep the other gangers in line but they’re incredibly deadly fighters in their own right. Check out these picts that our informant has sent through.
They’re also bringing some new weapons with them. Be careful of those arc hammers, they cause a lot of damage. And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT.
Of course, if you get your Enforcer sniper to take them out at range, they’re not so deadly.
It’s a Dog’s Life
The Arms Masters are accompanied by their cyber mastiffs. We’ve been trying to get these mutts outlawed, or at least make it so that you need a license to own one, but we've had no luck. All we get is a proclamation signed by one of Lord Helmawr’s underlings saying that a cyber mastiff is for life not just for Sanguinala.
We have our own mastiffs, so we know how quick and vicious these things can be – pay attention out there.
The Wrecking Crew
We’re also hearing rumours of new Orlock Prospects called Wreckers. These are the hot-headed youth of the clan – they’re desperate to make a name for themselves so they’ll be taking some risks.

They all come equipped with a jump booster. Our informant has managed to get hold of the specifications of these devices and, apparently, they can be overcharged to give an even bigger boost to the wearer, but this doesn’t come without a risk.
Be especially vigilant if they’re lining up a Charge with one of these things – they can hit pretty hard.
Wreckers are young and their lives are cheap so expect them to be filling out a lot of Orlock gangs. Remember, though, if they fly into a Subjugator’s vigilance pattern assault shield, they’re going to come off second best.
Giant hammers, unlicensed dogs, and flying youths, what’s the underhive coming to? You’re going to be seeing a lot of Orlock reinforcements in the underhive soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Now, get out there – the underhive isn’t going to police itself!