This coming Saturday is Warhammer Day – your chance to celebrate all aspects of your favourite hobby. But how will you be celebrating it? Check out this video for a few ideas.
We asked around to find out how the Warhammer Community team will be spending the most Warhammer-y day of the year. With restrictions on gatherings in place across the UK, it looks like a lot of painting’s going to be getting done…
I'll be shut in my darkened cell, shunning the light of the Terran sun and muttering strange words to myself as I conduct my latest… experiment. Withered bodies, mutated parts, and horrific instruments of pain shall be my playthings as I bend the very flesh of my creations into something greater than I could have hoped for. Should my experiments prove fruitful, I will have perfected the art of the Haemonculus Covens and created LIFE!
Ahem. What I mean to say is that I'll be building a unit of Grotesques for my Drukhari army.

My passion, and one of the big reasons I love Warhammer, is painting. I found my way into the hobby through painting the models. I adore creating different colour schemes for my armies. I’ll be celebrating Warhammer Day by creating a festive-themed Sylvaneth unit, using lots of seasonally appropriate colours entwined in the paint scheme I'm planning!

I’ll be settling down to paint my Space Marines army! I picked up the Indomitus boxed set when it came out and have slowly been putting the models together. Warhammer Day is my chance to sit down and get my starting Crusade force Battle Ready. I’ll be painting them up in my own Chapter scheme – the Myrmidons – and I can’t wait to see the whole force all done and painted.

On Warhammer Day, I intend to paint a bunch of Necromunda-themed things for an upcoming campaign day with my brothers and dad, which we’ll be playing sometime over the Christmas holidays, lockdown permitting! As I’ve already punched through a few gangs, I should only have Van Saar and Cawdor left to paint, plus some scenery. I might get the scenery ready, depending on what takes my fancy – I’ll decide on the day.

I’ll be spending Warhammer Day painting some of the Imperium’s most golden heroes while I listen to the audiobooks of their adventures. I love how easy it is to get lost in an audiobook while you paint – sometimes I look up and hours have passed (and the tea in my Stormcast Eternals mug has gone cold). By the end of the day, I hope to have Valerian and Aleya finished, and maybe even some Custodian Wardens to guard them.

Over the course of Warhammer Day, I'll be doing a marathon painting session, using the time to try to finish half-started projects and begin new ones (which will doubtless remain half complete for a while). During the 12 hours, I'll need a set-up that can support me properly – I’ve shamelessly stolen from Nick and Peachy's article on getting ready for a marathon painting session for this. Add drinks, snacks, and hours of entertainment, and I’ll be ready!

Having done a fair few large-scale hobby sessions, I know the biggest thing I struggle with is project fatigue, so I've got Legion of the Damned, Craftworlds, and of course, the Jade Paladins ready. When I'm getting tired of one, I can have something on hand ready to swap to!
The only thing this team loves nearly as much as Warhammer is cake – so it’s no surprise that a fair few of us are preparing delicious Warhammer-themed baked goods for the day.
I’m going to be devouring some delicious Ork muffins. I’ll also be doing a fair bit of painting and converting, but I had the idea for these delicious treats and couldn’t help myself. I could share them with others, I guess, but I’m not going to because dey’re delicious and dey’s all mine! Also, eatin’ dem deffo don’t make yous talk like an Ork or nuffin’– dey’s well scrummy!

Warhammer Day this year will be the start of my household's journey into the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000. Over the last few weeks, my son and I have been painting up opposite sides of the Indomitus box, and we should each be able to field a decently sized force. I can't wait!

To keep us fuelled up for a long gaming session I also put together a Khorne-flake cake with lashings of (fake) blood.

It's Warhammer Day. It's Halloween. There's a Chaplain. I figured skulls would be a pretty solid bet for decorating a cake to celebrate all these goodies. And who loves skulls the most? Khorne. Khorne loves skulls the most. So here’s my skull cake for the skull throne. It's actually red velvet, but hopefully the lord of murder won't notice on account of the sugar rush… have a Happy Warhammer Day everyone!

Of course, one of the best ways to celebrate Warhammer Day is to head down to your local Warhammer store or independent retailer. This year you can pick up this exclusive Terminator Chaplain, available for a limited time, from the 31st of October. Covered in skulls, brandishing a flamer and ready to destroy heretics – what could be more Warhammer?
Happy Warhammer Day indeed! How will YOU be celebrating? We want to know! Head to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and tell us what you’ll be doing on Saturday, using the #WarhammerCommunity hashtag – and don’t forget to share pictures of what you’ll be painting!