Last weekend, we revealed a new incarnation of the classic Warhammer hero Sigvald the Magnificent, along with some of his Slaanesh-worshipping allies. Today, we’re taking a look at who the Prince of Slaanesh is, how he made the jump to the Mortal Realms, and just what’s going on with his stylish Hedonite pals.

For some 300 years before the End Times, Sigvald the Magnificent blighted the world-that-was. A champion of Slaanesh renowned for his physical beauty and his prowess with the blade, he rose to command a vast warband of utterly devoted followers. Dark rumours of the circumstances of his birth and childhood abounded – but the only truth that mattered was that Sigvald had bartered his soul to the Dark Prince in exchange for eternal life, beauty, and immense power.

During the End Times, Sigvald fought the wight king Krell, one of the Great Necromancer Nagash’s most trusted lieutenants, taking a grievous – and scarring – wound. In his fury, Sigvald destroyed the revenant, only to be betrayed and killed by his ally, Throgg the Troll King. Yet none who are touched by the gods can escape their fates so easily…
Abandoned by Slaanesh, the scraps of Sigvald’s soul lingered in the void for an age, until Nagash – now the god of Death in the new worlds of the Mortal Realms – found them and claimed revenge for Krell’s destruction. The Great Necromancer trapped Sigvald’s essence in a Shadeglass mirror that would reflect only an idealised image of whoever gazed into it, ensuring Sigvald could never be seen again – fitting revenge for one so vain. He cast the mirror into the pocket dimension of Uhl-Gysh, where it came to rest in the cursed city of Shadespire.
Unknown to Nagash, Slaanesh was also trapped in Uhl-Gysh. The Dark Prince’s gradual escape and growing power gave Sigvald some measure of awareness and control. The mirror was eventually taken from Uhl-Gysh by duardin privateers, before falling into the hands of a band of Hedonite Godseekers, who unwittingly released Sigvald’s essence. Reborn and empowered once more by the growing might of his god, Sigvald set out to unite the followers of Slaanesh in preparation for the Dark Prince’s apotheosis.

Agony and Ecstasy
At the vanguard of Sigvald’s army are the Myrmidesh Painbringers. To join the ranks of this cult, warriors must undergo six trials of excess, proving that they can set aside all temptations and focus on glorious combat. Armed with curved blades and elegant runic shields, the Myrmidesh give up individuality and all the pleasures of the flesh to focus on their art. They are simply killers, dedicated to bringing death in the most agonising and aesthetically satisfying ways possible.

The lure of hedonism is strong, and occasionally a Myrmidesh falters, seeking more than the purity of murder. Such warriors make pacts with daemons, becoming Symbaresh Twinsouls. They cast aside their helms and revel in their individuality. Gathering in bands and constantly trying to outdo one another, they are a fractious but effective weapon, empowered by the daemons within them – yet they’re always just a heartbeat away from losing themselves entirely to the thirsting creatures to which they have bound their souls.

Into the Underworlds
Your first chance to command the mortal servants of Slaanesh will come in the form of the Dread Pageant, one of the warbands in the new Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm boxed game.

These Hedonites originally ventured into Beastgrave in search of Slaanesh, but soon discovered a new obsession – tormenting the sentient mountain itself! Beastgrave feeds on death, and by torturing rather than killing their foes, Vasillac the Gifted and his followers deny the mountain its sustenance. The raw anguish this elicits is like the finest wine to the Dread Pageant.
You’ll find out more about this warband very soon – Direchasm will be up for pre-order in December. Vasillac, Hadzu, Glissete, and Slakeslash will make an excellent start to your collection of Hedonites of Slaanesh.
While you’re waiting for the servants of the Dark Prince to arrive, you can pick up some Slaaneshi Daemons to join them in battle or find out more about Sigvald’s battles in the world-that-was in the eponymous novel by Darius Hinks. And remember to sign up for the Games Workshop newsletter, so you’ll be among the first to know when you can get your hands on the new Hedonites of Slaanesh.