Whether you command a maniple of glorious God-machines or a household of nimble nobles, you’ll want to pay attention to the new kid on the Adeptus Titanicus block. The Titan-killing Cerastus Knight-Atrapos is available now.
Cerastus Knights-Atrapos can be used as a support banner to Titan-based forces or as a component in Knight Household armies built using the rules in Doom of Molech. Either way, they’re sure to shake up your games with their array of high-Strength weapons, formidable defences and shocking speed.

You can find out exactly what these swift and deadly war machines are capable of in November’s Engine Kill! article, which breaks down all their weapons and abilities – and you can pre-order the models now, in packs of two. Each model in the set is armed with an Atrapos lascutter and graviton singularity cannon, and they come with different legs for added variety. The kit also includes a sturdy, card Command Terminal that you can use to track the status of your banner as you play.

Add Cerastus Knights-Atrapos to your collection, and you’ll be sure to have even more opportunities to shout “Engine Kill”. If you’ve yet to experience the glory of Adeptus Titanicus, treat yourself to the Starter Set – it’s nearly Christmas, after all!