The name Legio Ignatum has gone down in history as one of the most celebrated Legions of the Adeptus Titanicus. Today, Engine Kill is taking a look at all of the buzz around the Titan Legion also known as the Fire Wasps.
Born on Mars
The Legio Ignatum was one of the three originating Titan Legions of Mars, along with the Legios Mortis and Tempestus. The three enjoyed a friendly rivalry until Fabricator General Kelbor-Hal threw in his lot with the treacherous Warmaster.*
The Fire Wasps broke free from his grip, and they remained steadfastly loyal to the Imperium throughout the ensuing civil war.

The Binary Succession
Following the schism on Mars, Fabricator General Kane and the loyalists within the Mechanicum found themselves dismissed time and again by the Council of Terra, leaving the political status of the Tech-Priests extremely ambiguous.
The so-called binary succession was resolved when the Imperator Titan Magnificum Incendius marched on the Great Chamber of the Council of Terra, which resulted in the creation of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Titanicus. If that doesn’t make your council sit up and take notice, we don’t know what will.

The Cataclysm of Iron
In the region known as the Belt of Iron, the Horus Heresy brought many long-held grudges to the surface. Realising how crucial the forge worlds in the area were to both sides in the conflict, the loyalists deployed several Titan Legions, including the Fire Wasps.
In recognition of their status as one of the original Martian Legions, they were given command of every battlefield that they fought on.** They were at the brutal forefront in much of the action on the forge world of Urdesh. Once the Loyalists had carried out the Emperor’s judgement against the Traitors on Urdesh, the Regent left Titans from the Legio Ignatum to stand guard over the planet.

The Siege of Terra
Legio Ignatum defended the Imperial Palace on Terra, taking part in both the war in the webway and the Siege of Terra itself.*** When Horus arrived in the Segmentum Solar, the Fire Wasps renewed their bitter rivalry with Legio Mortis and their traitor Titans.****

The Legio would continue to add to their legacy in the years following the Horus Heresy, but those are tales for another time.
Fans of the Fire Wasps will be able to get their hands on the returning transfer sheet for Legio Ignatum, which will be back, by popular demand, in 2021. Take a look at the transfers that you’ll be able to use to decorate your fearsome god-engines.

You can find rules for using your Titans as part of Legio Ignatum in games of Adeptus Titanicus in Crucible of Retribution. Grab your copy now, and get ready to teach the Legio Mortis a thing or two about who has the better god-machines.
* Spoiler warning: This did not go well for Kelbor-Hal.
** Remember that the next time that the Emperor says that he doesn’t have favourites.
*** Learn more about the war in the webway in the Horus Heresy novel Master of Mankind.
**** You’ll be able to read about these epic Titan-on-Titan battles in the forthcoming Siege of Terra novel Mortis.