Welcome to the first Visions of Glory, a new series of articles giving you a glimpse into the future of Warhammer Underworlds. Today, we’re taking a look at the Starblood Stalkers, the first-ever Seraphon warband to enter the living mountain.
A lizard’s tale
The Slann Starmasters of the Seraphon have foreseen danger in Beastgrave, and now believe that the living mountain could transform into a demigod that would wreak havoc across Ghur and beyond. Now, we always read our horoscopes with a pinch of salt, but it looks like the slann could be right, especially with warbands like Khagra’s Ravagers on the way.

The Starblood Stalkers are composed of four Skink Hunters, a Saurus Oldblood, and the warband is led by Kixi-Taka, the Skink Priest.

With a reliable ranged attack, Kixi-Taka can blast opponents off objectives or turn feature tokens themselves against any enemies that thought they had claimed them.
It’s written in the cards
Now let’s take a look at a few of the warband-specific cards that come with the Starblood Stalkers, starting with Balance the Cosmic Equation. This Hybrid Objective card gives you a couple of ways to score glory.

Against those weaker warbands with lots of juicy two-wound fighters, you can aim to take them out of action. If you’re up against a smaller, tougher enemy, you can use your numbers to swarm the feature tokens and claim them for yourself.*
The Seraphon bring with them a new type of Ploy card – Asterism. These are similar to the Cycle Ploy cards used by the Wurmspat in that they stay in play until either the end of the round or until another Asterism card is used. The Hunter’s Steed will have your fighters moving faster than lizards on hot sand.

We’ll be taking a look at some other Asterism cards as we get closer to the release of the Starblood Stalkers, so keep an eye out for updates.
Finally, we just had to show you this universal Upgrade. Voidsphere not only gives you a dangerous one-use ranged weapon but it lets you remove any of those persisting gambits, which includes Asterism! Just look at how happy Kixi-Taka is to have it in the artwork.**

We’ll also be showing off the other universal cards before the release of the Starblood Stalkers and, as always, there are some that you’ll definitely want to add to your deck, whatever style of warband you use.
Kixi-Taka is also known as the Diviner, and they have brought us an unexpected gift – a glimpse into the future at the warband that will follow the Starblood Stalkers. Thanks, Kixi-Taka!

Who could that possibly be? Join us on the Warhammer Underworlds Facebook page to share your guesses with us. Make sure that you pick up the Direchasm Core Set before the Starblood Stalkers arrive so that you’re ready to claim glory in the name of the Seraphon.
* Which can potentially have the advantage of Inspiring your warband if you’re on three objectives.
** We recommend that all players do a suitably evil laugh when they equip this Upgrade to one of their fighters.