“Hear ye! Hear ye! Vengeance has come to Ulfenkarn. From the woods comes the ruin of the undead. I’m the Cursed City crier, and I bring you news of our salvation. I also bring the best fried rat in the city – eat well and help control the rodent problem now.”
Last week, we learned about the Ulfenwatch, the skeletal militiamen that have been terrorising the Cursed City. Now, we’re looking at Qulathis the Exile, one of the new Warhammer Quest game heroes.
After losing her home and family, she’s come to the Cursed City to seek vengeance on those who took everything from her. We hope that they’re ready for what they’ve unleashed.

In the realm of Ghyran, there is a strange annex called the Enga’la Weald, once known only to the Sylvaneth. Then the Soulblight came. Qulathis and her kin fought a savage guerrilla war against the vampire invaders, but they could not match the brute strength and the resilience of their undead foes.*
Qulathis’ clan lost hope and withdrew, seeking to restart their lives elsewhere. Qulathis, however, refused to give up and vowed to bring true death to the vampires, even though her elders expressly forbade it.** With her blade and her bow, she made her way to Ulfenkarn to seek her revenge.

Before leaving, she took an arm-thick splinter of the Oak of Ages Past, the tree sacred to all aelvenkind. Qulathis fashioned it into many magical arrows, the better to slay the undead monstrosities that haunt the streets of Ulfenkarn.***
Qulathis the Exile will be available soon as one of the heroes in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with all of the latest from the streets of Ulfenkarn, and check out the Cursed City website for even more on the new Warhammer Quest game.
* It can’t be easy to chop down a tree to make vampire-killing stakes when that tree is your best friend.
** Qulathis was initially sent to bed without any supper, but is now forbidden from ever returning to the Everspring Swathe – that’s what you get for not respecting your elders.
*** You could say that she’ll have her enemies all aquiver.