The Dark Prince has long had a dedicated following who’ve been blissfully winning games with mostly-daemonic Slaanesh armies. Never one to settle for into a comfort zone, the God of Excess has blessed his mortal followers with loads of new units.
Whether you collect Hedonites already, plan to start soon (with these jaw-dropping models, who could blame you), or suspect you’ll be facing off against them, we thought you’d like to know what’s coming.

Today, we're giving you a few tantalising hints of the special rules that the new units are bringing to the table. There are so many to choose from, it was hard to narrow it down. Let’s dig in!
Myrmidesh Painbringers

These elite warriors are heavily armoured, so they’re tougher to take down than some of their peers. Once in close quarters, they put their scimitars to good use, whirling and lashing out when their clumsy opponents leave an opening – causing extra damage when they strike a solid blow.
Unleash your Myrmidesh in the right place, at the right time, and watch them shine as they strike down even the mightiest of foes. You should definitely plan to pick up a set of those fantastic Hedonites of Slaanesh dice to help you roll more sixes – the Dark Prince would have it no other way.
Symbaresh Twinsouls

The Symbaresh are empowered by the daemonic entities that share their mortal forms, making them faster and stronger, if a little less precise.
In battle, they switch back and forth between displays of honed martial prowess and bouts of unnatural swiftness.
These possessed warriors are capable of letting loose a flurry of powerful attacks that will leave enemy Heroes and Monsters reeling. Use them to take down the biggest threats, as less precious troops swarm the rest of your opponent’s army.
Blissbarb Seekers

Between their high Move (14”) and the Range on their bows, Blissbarb Seekers can threaten a wide swathe of the battlefield.
With 3 shooting attacks each, even a minimum-sized unit can sweep sticky objective-holders away. The best part? They retain their effectiveness at breakneck speeds, thanks to Flawless Accuracy.
Blissbarb Seekers are no slouches in melee either, which makes them a versatile unit that will form the core of many winning strategies.
Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh

One of the most magnificent new miniatures in the range (and doesn’t he know it) is Sigvald – and he deserves a place in every Hedonites army. This superlative duellist enjoys nothing more than showing off his skills at every opportunity, striking down his mark before they can lift a finger, claw, or blade in opposition.
Sigvald’s skill in combat is such that there’s very little that can go toe to toe with him in all the Mortal Realms. When wielding the enchanted blade Shardslash, the Prince of Slaanesh makes a mockery of his foes.
As an added bonus, any wounds Shardslash inflicts cannot be negated, making Sigvald one of the most reliable assassins in the game. Did we mention you’re going to want him in your army?
This wave of releases brings a dazzling variety of units to the Hedonites of Slaanesh, each with their own role to play in the symphony of destruction. They’re all up for pre-order tomorrow, along with the new battletome, so you can see the full rules for yourself very soon.
We’ve been exploring the Hedonites of Slaanesh all week, so take a look at some example armies you’ll be able to put together, and get a taste of the frankly incredible art and lore if you missed them.
Getting excited about these releases? Head to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook page and let us know what unit you’re most looking forward to, and why it’s Sigvald.