The fourth season of Warhammer Underworlds is heating up quite nicely now – Khagra’s Ravagers have joined the fray, while we’ve shown off the next two warbands; the Starblood Stalkers and the Crimson Court. We’ve also had a glimpse at the carnage that Hedkrakka’s Madmob are bringing to the living mountain.
We’ll be showing off Hedkrakka’s Madmob in full during our next Warhammer Preview Online on Saturday. To get the shout of Waaagh! up to full volume by the weekend, we’re showing off another member of the Savage Orruk warband.

It’s also time to reveal another shadowy silhouette on the road map! Who do you think it could be? Maybe you can feel it in your bones…

Make sure that you join us on the Warhammer Underworlds Facebook page to share your predictions about the fifth warband for Direchasm. Don’t forget that mayhem comes to the mountain on Saturday when we show off Hedkrakka’s Madmob in full.