With the Soulblight Gravelords gearing up for war, this is a great time to take a closer look at Blood Knights, the elite cavalry of the vampire hosts. Ever since we announced them (along with a bunch of other models) during the Faith & Damnation preview event, people have been thirsting to learn more about them. Hopefully, this article will satisfy your craving for now.
Blood Knights have been a part of Warhammer for quite a while, and their aesthetic has been very consistent over the years – makes sense for immortal vampire warriors. The jaw-dropping updated models are still clad in the usual scalloped heavy plate armour, similar in style to that worn by members of the Crimson Court warband for Warhammer Underworlds.

In the armies of the vampire lords, Blood Knights are the cream of the crop. They’ve dedicated their undying existence to honing the art of mounted combat, taking full advantage of the gifts their nature grants. While other vampires see them as arrogant or reckless, they fancy themselves as exemplars of their kind, proving it by earning glory on the battlefield.
In battle, Blood Knights are able to direct their fearless nightmare chargers into the most violent combat, heedless of the danger as they trample down throngs of lesser warriors in search of the most worthy foes.

As with all their kin, Blood Knights are cursed to crave the fresh vital fluid of the living – even pausing to slake their thirst in the heat of battle. These haughty nobles believe there is honour in imbibing only the blood of the strongest foes, thinking themselves above the vampires that choose to feed on lesser beings.
It’s said that the founder of their order was able to master his affliction by drinking the blood of a ‘king among dragons’ – and the iconography of drakes features heavily in their heraldry.

Blood Knights assemble themselves into martial orders, each with their own unique traditions. Though they differ in temperament, they all adhere to a strict code, and many fancy themselves as possessing a perverse sense of honour.

Just as with some high-born vampires, like the recently-revealed Lady Annika, they delude themselves into the belief that they’re somehow more than murderous beasts, revelling in the carnage and bloodshed.
In their cold, unbeating hearts, Blood Knights are all obsessed with the splash of gore across their armour. The scent of freshly spilt blood drives them into a frenzy of violence. While we can’t reveal their rules quite yet, it’s fair to say you’ll want them leading the charge in your Soulblight Gravelords army. Keep an eye out for more information as the battletome gets closer.