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Think Your Boss Is Weird? New Stormcast Eternals Leader Yndrasta Collects Severed Heads

AoSDaily1 Jun1 Header

By now you’ve surely pored over the pics of all the impressive models in the absolutely stuffed Dominion boxed set, which goes up for pre-order this Saturday

One of the most striking miniatures is Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear. She’s immediately recognisable with her vast angelic wings, a spectacular spear, plus a sword for when the fighting gets up close and personal. We mentioned that she’s a lord of Azyr, but we haven’t shared much else about her and her unusual collection… until now. 

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Who Is Yndrasta? 

This warrior-angel was once a tribal chieftain of a Ghurish nation, who rode a Pegasus alongside her fellow knights. Together, these warriors fought to hold back the rising tide of beasts and raiders that plagued their harsh homeland, but it was Doombreed, a champion of the Blood God, that finally brought Yndrasta’s people low. 

To buy time for her tribe to evacuate, Yndrasta rode out to meet the daemon king in a duel she couldn’t hope to win. Though mortally wounded during the fight, she thrust her spear into Doombreed’s side in a final act of defiance and beseeched Sigmar to destroy them both with holy lightning. 

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It’s said that Sigmar heard her prayer and hurled one of his Great Bolts that day, then he lifted her soul to Azyr. The God-King personally laboured over Yndrasta’s Reforging, imbuing her with great gifts and granting her the rank of Prime Huntress. 

Yndrasta was to be among his mightiest champions, tasked with seeking out the greatest beasts across the realms. Sigmar also gave her the ensorcelled spear, Thengavar, wrought from the same steel as his own polearm. 

Yndrasta in the Era of the Beast 

Unleashed once again upon the Mortal Realms, Yndrasta descends into battle like a fearsome angel. Though noble of countenance, she is only truly happy when she’s knee-deep in the viscera of her enemies. More concerned with the hunt than leading her troops, she pursues her quarry with a single-minded focus until she can take its head as a grisly trophy. 

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Right now, her mark is Kragnos, the End of Empires. She will stop at nothing to slay the god of earthquakes, and nobody can stand in her way. His head will make a fitting prize for winning this epic clash. Talking of which... 

What’s With the Head-hunting?

Oh boy, Yndrasta has a bit of a thing for chopping off the heads of her foes and keeping them as mementoes. Her chambers are tastefully decorated with many severed noggins from her legendary kills, and she has an unsettling habit of placing her trophies at the feet of Sigmar without a word – the ultimate flex to mark herself as his favourite.

Her savagery and drive are an inspiration to the Stormcast Eternals who fight alongside her. But they are also a warning. There are whispered rumours that she’s gone too far in her vengeance and that she’s lost too much of herself. Nobody questions her skill and valour, but there’s something unnerving about the cold satisfaction she takes in slaughter.

Using Yndrasta in Your Games

If you pre-order Dominion this Saturday, you’ll soon have an entire army of stunning new Stormcast Eternals to command. The Celestial Spear is a powerful warrior with beast-slaying abilities and a solid statline – she also boosts the effectiveness of the rest of your army. Take a look at her full warscroll. 

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Thengavar, Yndrasta’s magical spear, can be hurled at enemy Monsters (and anyone else) to soften them up before she swoops in to finish them off with her blade. She can also use her god-like power to call fallen Stormcast Eternals back to the fight, and her presence makes them immune to battleshock tests. What better leader could you ask for when facing the likes of the Orruk Warclans?

If you can’t wait to add Yndrasta to your collection, you don’t have to stick it out much longer. Pre-order Dominion this weekend, and you’ll get this ruthless Hero alongside a thunderous host of Stormcast Eternals, an army of perfidious Kruleboyz, and the new Core Book with an exclusive cover featuring the full portrait of Yndrasta in all its glory... or is it gory? Hey, at least now we know it’s her happy place.

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