We hope you’ve eaten recently, as we’re talking about ogors – let’s be honest, they’re always hungry. The Era of the Beast is almost upon us, and the lumbering great brutes of the Ogor Mawtribes have been salivating at the prospect of all the exquisite new meats they can feast upon.
Today, we’re here with playtester and renowned Tyrant Paul Buckler to help get your Mawtribe ready for the fighting to come.
The new edition is on its way very soon – in fact, you can pre-order the incredible launch set, Dominion, from tomorrow – so we’re continuing our coverage of how the updated ruleset affects every faction in the game.
Before we hand you over to Paul for his expert advice on fielding the Ogor Mawtribes in this daunting new era, let’s learn a bit more about them.
Who Are the Ogor Mawtribes?
The ogors are voracity incarnate. Their Mawtribes rampage far and wide, devouring everything in their path. The brutal ferocity and enormous physical strength of the ogors themselves saw them endure even the Age of Chaos, and now their numbers are greater than ever before.
Most common of the Ogor Mawtribes are the Gutbusters. Renowned for their scrums of Gluttons and heavily armoured Ironguts, the rudimentary firearms of their Leadbelchers and Ironblasters, and the magical culinary arts of their Butchers, Gutbusters are a fearsome sight to behold.
They wade through the ranks of their soon-to-be-devoured victims, sweeping all before them with great swings of their weapons, as swarms of Gnoblars dart between their feet to pick off any stragglers.
The other common Mawtribe of ogors is known as Beastclaw Raiders. They roam from place to place in great, migratory hordes, heralded by the magical blizzard known as the Everwinter. To stand against these ogors is to battle the elements themselves before being trampled into the frozen ground by their unstoppable charge.
The foremost among the Beastclaw Raiders ride enormous Stonehorns and Thundertusks, while their canny Icebrow Hunters range ahead of the advancing tribe accompanied by packs of fearsome Frost Sabres. Now that we know what we’re dealing with, we’ll hand you over to Paul for the latest scoop on how the Ogor Mawtribes play in the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Paul: The new edition gives Ogor Mawtribes a whole new toolbox to use. The core battalions are easily filled, so you can have a powerful one-drop army or a force with lots of deployments that gains a multitude of bonus abilities. The enhancements to Priests also give your Huskards on Thundertusk more of a role at the centre of your army.
Two key command abilities really boost the Mawtribes. The first is Rally – for each 6 you roll, you bring back a powerful, multi-wound model, a Glutton or Mournfang Cavalry, for example.
Then there’s Redeploy. Most armies will use this to move their units away from possible threats. Ogors, however, really want to fight, so you can use this command ability to bring your units closer to combat, ready for the next turn. Moving a mighty Stonehorn up to 6″ closer to your opponent, ready to get into the fray, can be a highly useful tactic.
The fact that you have more command points to play with in the new edition makes the Bloodgullet Mawtribe a great pick. Their Bloodbath command ability powers up Gluttons, and it is more reliable than ever before.
Meanwhile, Bloodgullet Butchers can cast extra spells, and they know an additional spell too, letting you bring even more magical power to bear on your next meal.
Biggest Winners
The Ogor Mawtribes are blessed with several units that benefit from the updates to the core rules. We asked Paul to pick his top three and tell us why he chose them.
Ogor Gluttons
Paul: The new range of command abilities mean that the mainstay units of your Ogor Mawtribes army have gained a lot of options. With a minimum unit size of six, you can easily get two units of 12 into your army without using too many reinforcement slots.
You can also make them more resilient with the All-out Defence command ability, or have them hitting on 2+ with All-out Attack. Combine that with the possibility of using the Bloodgullets’ ability mentioned earlier to re-roll wound rolls, and you have a highly effective combat block.
Paul: The main ranged threat from the Mawtribes gain a huge boost from the Unleash Hell command ability. They’re unlikely to move in the opponent’s turn, get D6 shots per model, and can kick out a decent amount of damage at any unit that charges them. Boom!
Frostlord on Stonehorn
Paul: The mighty Frostlord is the real heavy hitter of a Mawtribes army – and with All-out Attack, his Stonehorn will hit more reliably too. The Bellowing Voice command ability also comes into its own here, as it’s an aura ability that lets every unit within range re-roll charges. For an army so devastating on the charge, it offers a key advantage.
Thanks for your insights, Paul. Kickstart or seriously enhance your Ogor Mawtribes collection with the aptly named Start Collecting! set for the Beastclaw Raiders. Assemble the set’s Monster as a Frostlord on Stonehorn and you’ll have one of Paul’s top unit picks to lead your Mawtribe into battle.