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  • Get Into Warhammer Age of Sigmar Your Way With These Fantastic New Starter Boxes and Paint Sets

Get Into Warhammer Age of Sigmar Your Way With These Fantastic New Starter Boxes and Paint Sets


The launch of the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar means this is the perfect time to jump into the wars raging across the Mortal Realms. Whether you want to dip your toes into the setting and play a few skirmish games or own two fantastic armies led by powerful Heroes, the new starter sets contain everything you need to build a force and take it into battle. 

And because no one likes to play with sad, grey plastic, we’re also getting three starter paint sets: one each for the Stormcast Eternals and the Kruleboyz, alongside a general set that has all the tools you need to prise your troops off their sprues and apply some colour to get them game-ready. If you head over to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar website, you’ll also find a new range of painting videos to help you get started.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warrior Starter Set

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The Warrior Starter Set is ideal for people playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar for the first time. It’s been designed for people who want to learn – or teach – the basics of the game without worrying about advanced rules.

This box contains everything you need for a good scrap, with 18 miniatures including a mystical Knight-Arcanum and five Vindictors of the Stormcast Eternals Redeemer conclaves, facing off against a cunning Killaboss, his Stab-grot assistant, and 10 loathsome Gutrippaz. 

On top of that, you get dice, range rulers, a double-sided gaming mat, two manuals, and warscrolls for all the units. With fewer rules to learn, this is a great option for younger Warhammer hobbyists.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Harbinger Starter Set

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The Harbinger Starter Set is a step up in both complexity AND swag. This boxed set contains the same great troops as the Warrior Set – but there are loads of extra goodies here, including two powerful Heroes.

The Harbinger Set comes with 32 push-fit plastic miniatures: 10 Stormcast Eternals including five noble Vindictors and three elite Praetors led by the imposing Lord-Imperatant and his faithful Gryph-hound, arrayed against 10 brutish Gutrippaz and 10 Hobgrot Slittaz under the baleful eye of a Swampcalla Shaman and his unpleasant pot-grot.

On top of that, you get all the stuff you need to launch your own Dawnbringer Crusade: dice, range rulers, a double-sided gaming mat, manuals, warscrolls, rules references, and even cunning cardboard terrain you can fashion out of the underside of the box.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Extremis Starter Set

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The Extremis Starter set gives you an awesome start in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Not only does it contain all the models and extras you get in the Harbinger box, but it also includes the full rules for the game.

Importantly, you also upgrade from a card gaming mat to a double-sided gaming board – and you get five stunning pieces of plastic Citadel scenery, including one nexus syphon, one guardian idol, two domicile shells, and one all-important pile of pillars. In short, it’s everything you need to get started. 


Everything except paints and tools, that is – but wouldn’t you know, we’ve got you covered there too.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Paint + Tools Set

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Yes, while the armies available in the three starter sets are easy to build and don’t need glue, you still need to snip them off their sprues, dust them down, and give them a lick of paint.

This set contains a pair of clippers, a mouldline remover, and a starter brush to get the basics painted. On top of that, you get 13 paints in 12ml pots – including all the essential colours you need to get both forces Battle Ready – as well as a Technical paint to ensure your bases look great. It’s the perfect complement to any of the sets above.

But perhaps you’ve already chosen your faction and want to collect them and them alone? We’ve got you covered there, too, with two smaller paint sets.

Stormcast Eternals Vindictors + Paint Set

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This neat set is great for any budding paragon of Order. With six paints, a starter brush, and two push-fit Stormcast Eternals, it’s the perfect taste of more to come or the ideal bolster to your forces if you’re splitting one of the starter sets with a friend or family member.

Orruk Warclans Gutrippaz + Paint Set

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Not to be outdone, the Kruleboyz are getting a paint set of their own. This box also comes with six paints and a starter brush, as well as three push-fit Gutrippaz. It’s ideal for anyone choosing to collect the vicious hunter-killers of the swamps of Ghur.

If you’re looking for the ultimate introduction to Warhammer of Age of Sigmar, you want the Dominion launch box. It features two big armies led by spectacular Heroes: the winged beast hunter Yndrasta and a Killaboss riding a mighty Gnashtoof – which is even bigger than it looks in the pictures. The set also includes a special edition of the core book with a beautiful, all-art cover..

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There aren’t many Dominion boxes left, and since there won’t be any more coming, this is your last chance to buy one. Perhaps you’ve started painting your new edition army already, or you’re planning to collect a force to join the fight, let us know on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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