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Bring an Ork Scrap Town To Life With the Terrain in Kill Team: Octarius

OctariusPreview Jul10 KT Header

Kill Team: Octarius will be here soon, and a lot of attention has been paid to the gob-smacking Ork Kommandos and Death Korps of Krieg models – and with good reason. A lot of hobbyists, however, will find the Ork-themed terrain an irresistible addition to their gaming setup. Let’s take a closer look, shall we? 

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First of all, this terrain is absolutely incredible. It’s jam-packed with surprising details as the cunning ladz have used whatever loot they can grab to construct their ramshackle town. See if you can spot the wreckage of an Ork flyer or the smashed hull of an Imperial industrial tractor in there.

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The Kill Team rules have been completely rewritten for the new edition, and terrain has been given the same attention as everything else. Each piece in the box has a defined set of rules that affects how your operatives interact with it.

For example, the Ramshackle Barricades are Light, Traversable terrain. That means that operatives can take cover behind them or hop across them using the Traverse rules.

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Unfortunately, those fairy lights offer no tactical advantage, but even an Ork can appreciate a bit of ambient lighting on their battlefields.

The Ramshackle Walls, however, are surprisingly sturdy given the haphazard way Orks build their structures. The lower walls, marked as Heavy terrain, are solid enough that operatives can hide behind them completely or use them as cover, much like the barricades.

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The upper deck is called a Vantage Point, which is a strategically important spot on a Kill Team battlefield. Operatives brave enough to climb up onto the rickety platform of crudely welded scrap will find it much easier to take shots at anyone hiding behind ground-level cover, but exercise caution – being up so high makes your combatants a juicy target in turn. 

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Ork Vehicles guzzle fuel in alarming quantities, so crude Oil Pumps are a common sight among the Octarius sector’s many greenskin shanty towns. Not only does the platform provide canny snipers with a perfect Vantage Point to pick off careless enemy operatives, but it also keeps them safe among the Heavy metal tanks and girders around them.

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Although the floor of a typical Ork settlement is littered with all manner of scrap and rubbish that operatives can simply walk over, particularly large piles can build up into truly taxing obstacles. We’re not quite sure what this Scrap Pile is made of, but its Scramble trait means anyone hoping to move over it will find it particularly difficult.

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The Kill Team: Octarius box contains a 22" x 30" gameboard, and there are enough terrain pieces to pack it densely – lots of cover makes for nail-biting, tactical games of Kill Team, after all. If you want to use this terrain in your games of Warhammer 40,000, just put two 22" x 30" boards together, add your Orky scenery, and get ready to take the fight to your enemies.

Ork collectors, and hobbyists looking to expand their selection of terrain pieces, will want to get their hands on Kill Team: Octarius as much for the terrain as the incredible models. Combine them with the Mekboy Workshop, and you’re well on your way to a full-blown Ork scrap town.

Looking for more intel about Kill Team before it goes up for pre-order next month? Peruse the website for loads more information – including trailers, an art gallery, and juicy details on the factions available in the new edition.

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