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The Stormcast Eternals Become the Ultimate Defenders of the Mortal Realms in Their Best Battletome Yet

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The Era of the Beast is upon us. As Sigmar’s champions strike out across the realms on Dawnbringer Crusades, there’s no better time to muster a resplendent army of Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals – first seen in the Dominion launch box. The rules in the new battletome are about to make them even more fearsome, and not least because they have dragons now.

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The Stormcast Eternals still descend from the skies on bolts of lightning, as they have done since the Realmgate Wars, but new rules give these inspiring warriors the power to rally Cities of Sigmar forces to their cause. 

You can represent this in-game by deciding if your army is a Scions of the Storm force – the thunderbolt-riding warriors we all know and love – or a more defensive Stormkeep army.

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Stormkeep armies excel at defending objectives. When enemy forces attempt to wrestle control of territory from Sigmar’s mightiest, you can use their momentum* to punish them with vengeful fury. 

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Stormcast Eternal Heroes who command these armies are not to be trifled with either, bellowing out commands that rouse warriors to great acts of valour. One such order comes in the form of an old favourite, Staunch Defender, which is now all about dispensing justice to those who dare to try to challenge Sigmar’s might.

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Stormkeep armies may also call upon the aid of Krondys, Son of Dracothian, or his moodier brother, Karazai the Scarred. Woe betide any attacking force that’s unlucky enough to fall under the baleful eye of these magnificent creatures. 

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Karazai, in particular, is a whirlwind of annihilation, becoming stronger as he takes down Heroes and Monsters.

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Regardless of the style of army you decide to create, the new battletome gives you a wide range of tools to handle everything from an invading menagerie of smelly orruk warbeasts to a horde of perfidious skaven

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The Stormcast Eternals have a huge variety of units and Heroes to choose from, and that only grows when you bring in auxiliaries. You can make a start on your own stalwart Stormkeep army today by picking up the Dominion launch box and a Start Collecting! Anvilgard or Greywater Fastness set

Keep an eye on Warhammer Community in the coming weeks for more information on the Stormcast Eternals and the release of the upcoming battletome.

* Given the tendency of greenskins and Bloodbound warriors to charge without thinking, this is a powerful tool.

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