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A Living Miracle for a New Era – Meet the Emperor’s Champion in All His Glory

40k EmpChamp Aug9 BT Header

It is the belief of many within the Imperium that ardent applications of faith will be rewarded. Well, Black Templars fans, what can we say? You have waited patiently, and you have received your just deserts. 

Wreathed in divine light, descending from the cold darkness of space with righteous fury, please be upstanding for the living miracle himself – the Emperor’s Champion.

40k EmpChamp Aug9 Image1Now that’s a champion, alright. For the Black Templars, perhaps the most pious – and pernickety – followers of the Imperial Faith, the Emperor’s Champion is the holiest of all. 

No one knows how or why, but every so often, a Black Templar of any rank starts receiving visions from the God-Emperor – and when the Lord of Mankind makes you that kind of offer, you can’t just refuse it.

Wracked by these visions, a newly anointed Emperor’s Champion is confirmed by the Chapter’s Chaplains, leaves their old life and rank behind, and is tooled up with a whole chapel’s worth of relics and raiments. These include a Black Sword, a rare power weapon, the first of which was wielded by Sigismund, First Captain of the Imperial Fists.

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Emperor’s Champions also wear the Armour of Faith and an Iron Halo, artefacts of such sacred power that the Black Templars have been known to launch entire crusades to recover them if a Champion falls in battle. This is a Chapter that does not mess around.

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Just look at all those heirlooms, just begging for a lick of the Emperor’s holy paint. 

All of the sacrosanct wargear is present in magnificent detail on this stunning miniature. It’s so fine, you can almost see the light of the Emperor shining down and wreathing him in glory.*

This new Emperor’s Champion is actually a careful homage to a classic model from Warhammer 40,000’s fourth edition, honouring Chapter tradition through this iconic pose.

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The Emperor’s Champion is a paragon of faith and fury whose appearance on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of those who oppose him. And, rest assured, he won’t be standing alone. 

Stay tuned to Warhammer Community, where the faithful are sure to receive further blessings very shortly.

* Portable spotlight for tabletop encounters available separately.

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