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  • The Citadel Masterclass Giveaway – Win EVERY Paint, Tool, and Brush in the Citadel Range with Warhammer+

The Citadel Masterclass Giveaway – Win EVERY Paint, Tool, and Brush in the Citadel Range with Warhammer+

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Warhammer+ is the ultimate subscription service for fans of the hobby. It’s got epic animations, exhaustive explorations of historic lore, reams of out-of-print publications, tense Battle Reports, brilliant subscriber offers, scintillating painting masterclasses, and tons more besides.

Citadel Colour Masterclass has been there since the beginning, and it’s one of the best parts of the whole service – as our  talented host Louise demonstrates top-tier painting techniques to take your own painting game into orbit. So far we’ve learned how to paint faces in incredible detail, true metallic gold, black armour, orruk flesh, glazing, and the arcane art of wet blending, with much more to come.

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Having the right tools at your disposal will make it even easier to turn out fabulous miniatures – so Warhammer+ has you covered.

This October, five lucky Warhammer+ subscribers – whether they’re new or existing – will walk away with one of everything from the Citadel Colour range. That’s one of every single paint we makeBase, Layer, Air, Contrast, Shade, Dry, and Technical – as well as one of every brush we make (including the synthetic STC range), and all the tools, including painting handles, clippers, spray racks, files, project boxes, and all the rest. Sadly we can’t offer sprays in this promotion due to shipping restrictions.

That’s a lot of stuff. Our only regret is that we can’t provide you with the spare room in your house you’ll need to stash all this hobby loot.

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Entry could not be easier. Everybody who’s subscribed to Warhammer+ by the 31st of October 2021 (including existing subscribers) will be entered into a prize draw. Five of these subscribers will be randomly selected to win. That’s it. 

Terms and conditions do apply, of course. Read them here.

In more good news, Hammer and Bolter returns to Warhammer+ this week with a new episode entitled Fangs. Plus we’ve got all your favourites, including a Citadel Colour Masterclass demonstrating the secret art of painting gems, while the Stormcast Eternals tussle with the Beastclaw Raiders in Battle Report, and The Realmgate Wars: The Balance of Power arrives in the Warhammer Vault, alongside another four back issues of White Dwarf.

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And remember, after a year of subscribing to Warhammer+, you get an exclusive free miniature! There are two to pick from, with the option to buy the other should you so wish. Choose from a Vindicare Assassin in a hidden vantage point or a huge Ironjawz Megaboss. We have plenty more benefits planned including more awesome stuff like this prize draw, so can you really afford not to subscribe?

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