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Thunderhawks From 12 Chapters Rule The Skies in This Epic Aeronautica Imperialis Showcase

FestDay4 May6 Aeronautica Header

When we first revealed back in May that the iconic Thunderhawk Gunship was coming to Aeronautica Imperialis, you weren’t the only ones excited by the news – many of us here at Warhammer Community were champing at the bit to get our hands on it too! With the Wrath of Angels boxed set out now, we asked a handful of our most fanatical in-house hobbyists to paint a Thunderhawk up, and here are the results.

Captain Chris

Chris: Chalice of Wrath is a prized asset of the Lamenters Chapter, having been in service since their founding in M36.

Pilot Officer James

James: The Impending Fate regularly leads squadrons of Xiphons and Storm Eagles to ensure the Doom Eagles Chapter’s aerial supremacy.

Group Captain Graeme

Graeme: Bardan's Fall is a Thunderhawk of the Novamarines, newly entered into service during the Indomitus Crusade, and named for the Chapter's most recent fallen Master. 

Wing Commander Nick

Nick: Gladius was attached to the Ultramarines 2nd Company during the Indomitus Crusade. It’s famous for being the personal attack craft of former Captain Cato Sicarius, and has survived many encounters with Xenos fighters.

Squadron Leader Simon

Simon: Himinnvargr, the Sky Wolf, hails from Ragnar Blackmane’s Great Company. This renowned Thunderhawk’s reputation as an apex aerial predator is in no small part thanks to the merciless hunter’s instincts of its pilot, Skarin Raven-eye.

Warrant Officer Joel

Joel: The Sable Talon is a Raven Guard Thunderhawk Gunship, used in smaller campaigns by Shadow Master Kayvaan Shrike.

Senior Aircraftman Tom

Tom: Spear Thrust is a Thunderhawk of the Minotaurs Chapter, notable for its part in breaking enemy defences during the assault on Shaprias alongside the Salamanders in 911.M41, during the Badab War. 

Air Commodore Darcy

Darcy: Litany of Duty, proudly wearing the colours of the Imperial Fists 5th Company, is a true workhorse of the Chapter, having seen combat in more battlezones than any other currently active Imperial Fists Thunderhawk Gunship. Currently attached to the Mars Sub-sector Theta-9 Containment Force, she is kept busy flying missions above Martian soil.

Flying Officer Tim

Tim: The Reparative Warden is a Thunderhawk of the Ashen Reclaimers, a crusading Chapter that specialises in retaking worlds lost to the Imperium.

Company Master Adam

Adam: Screaming into the fray is Corswain's Fury, currently assigned to Strike Force Zephon as they pursue the notorious Chaos warlord, Makir Dreadstone.

Wing Sergeant Steve

Rancor's Crucible carries the battle-brothers of the Blood Angels successors, the Grail Guard, into whatever warzone the far-seeing eye of Sanguinary High Priest Corbulo requires in the pursuit of a cure to the Flaw.

Flight Lieutenant Luke

The Knights Ophidian are a beleaguered crusade of Black Templars who were lost to the Hydra's Maw warp storm for years beyond count. Serpentis Rex is one of their three remaining operational Thunderhawks.

The Thunderhawk will be… er, thundering its way to join the Adeptus Astartes fleet very soon, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community for more details. If you haven’t done so already, grab yourself a copy of Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels today and get your Xiphon Interceptors and Storm Eagles painted in preparation for the Thunderhawk Gunship’s arrival.