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Revisit the Fall of the Necromancer™ With These Returning Middle-earth™ Miniatures

This month sees another Middle-earth Made to Order window open – this time, focused on the recent Fall of the Necromancer supplement. You will have the chance to get your hands on some classic miniatures, some of which haven’t been around for an age! Let’s take a look at who’s making their return.

Thranduil™, the Elvenking™

Thranduil’s skill with a blade is well known throughout Middle-earth, and there are few who can match his martial prowess. This version of the Elvenking shows him in a fighting stance with all the grace and poise you would expect from an Elf of his standing.

MEMTO Nov11 Thranduil

Mirkwood™ Elf Captains

If you collect a Halls of Thranduil force, then chances are you’ll require a Captain or two to lead the different elements of your army. Luckily, the Mirkwood Elf Captains pack has you covered. With a Mirkwood Ranger Captain to lead expeditions of Mirkwood Rangers into the forest and a Palace Guard Captain to rally the Elvenking’s most trusted warriors, this set is ideal for bolstering your Elven forces against the growing darkness in Mirkwood.

MEMTO Nov11 MirkwoodCaptains

The White Council™

The White Council is perhaps the biggest threat to


as he regains his former strength, consisting of some of the wisest and most powerful beings in Middle-earth. Comprising Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Galadriel, and Elrond, this set depicts the council that met in Rivendell before Thorin’s Company set off for Erebor.

MEMTO Nov11 WhiteCouncil

Kardûsh the Firecaller

Most Orc Shamans practice a crude and subtle form of magic. Kardûsh, however, is very much the exception to that rule. Taught how to manifest searing gouts of flame from his hands by one of the Nazgûl – no doubt for the Ringwraith’s own dark agenda – Kardûsh is very much of the opinion that any problem can be solved with a carefully placed fireball (or three). If you’re looking for an Orc Shaman to provide some literal firepower, then Kardûsh is exactly what you need!

MEMTO Nov11 Orcdude

Twilight Ringwraiths™

When Frodo put on the One Ring at Weathertop, he did it to try and escape the Nazgûl that had cornered him. What he did not expect was to see the twilight visage of his pursuers, showing them not as black-cloaked wraiths, but more akin to the Men they once were – albeit ghostly versions of their former selves.

The Twilight Ringwraiths depict this very scene and make a great addition to any collection. They’re ideal if you need an alternative model to use as a Ringwraith in your games, or want to try your hand at painting a ghostly colour scheme.

MEMTO Nov11 TwilightWraiths

These sets will all be available via Made to Order soon, so you won’t have long to wait. In the meantime, if you fancy starting a new army themed around the Fall of the Necromancer, let us know what you plan on adding to your collection on the Warhammer Official Facebook page.

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