2021 has been another stellar year for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. We’ve seen a whole host of new miniatures take to the battlefield, from Ents to Easterlings, and we’ve even ventured into the very depths of Dol Guldur itself. So, as this year draws to a close, we spoke to the Middle-earth team about what their highlights have been this year. There may even be a little treat for you at the end – it is Christmas after all!
Rob Alderman: My favourite release this year has to be Amon Hen. This new terrain piece is absolutely stunning and will make a great addition to any gaming board. It also allows me to play my favourite Scenario, Ambush at Amon Hen, with a board that’s straight out of the movies.

Luke Blick: I absolutely love the new Witch-king. He’s just so full of character and packed with detail. The options are fantastic, though with the option to build him with or without the Crown of Morgul, as well as a huge flail or a separate Morgul Blade, it was hard to decide how to build mine. So hard, in fact, that I ended up getting two and building them both ways!

Keith Robertson: For me, it has to be the new plastic Treebeard. The kit is absolutely fantastic and is a must for anyone that is planning on starting a Fangorn army, or just wants a mighty Ent of their own.
The best bit is that Treebeard also comes with a separate Merry and Pippin on foot, should they decide to dismount from their stoic ally. They’re even slightly taller than other Hobbit models, as they’ve recently drunk some Ent-draught!

Dan Entwisle: King Brand and Bard II of Dale, would be my pick for the highlight of the year. They are such wonderful models and have allowed me to finally put together a War of the Ring era Dale force that I’ve been wanting to start for a very long time.
I’ve also had a blast using them on the battlefield, and even done rather well at some events with King Brand at the helm. His ability to re-roll a D6 for his Duel roll when he would be Trapped is fantastic, and really got him out of some sticky situations.

Gavin Newton: I’m a huge fan of the Ruins of Dol Guldur terrain. There are loads of details on the kit, from the vines and dead trees to the metalwork on the iron gates, and the fact that it’s so modular means that there are countless ways to build it. You can even combine multiple sets to make a huge ruined fortress of Dol Guldur if you wish.
I’m thinking of getting myself a couple so that I can use them as a small display board for my Dark Powers of Dol Guldur force that I’ve been planning. It would make the perfect background for the Necromancer and his deadliest servants.

Lewis Collins: It’s a tough choice as there have been so many wonderful models this year, but if I had to choose just one then it would be Quickbeam. I just love the intricate knotted wood that makes up his body, as it’s a delight to paint.
I have a whole host of Ents ready to be built and painted. Naturally, I’m planning to have Quickbeam and Treebeard front and centre as the Ents march to war.

Jay Clare: This year saw the release of a new supplement, The Fall of the Necromancer. It’s jam-packed with Narrative Scenarios, all of which are great fun to play – especially Flight to the East, where Sauron has to escape Gandalf’s investigation of Dol Guldur without being detected. It’s great!
There are also four new Legendary Legions for all you Matched Play lovers out there. I’m even thinking of running a few of them at some events next year, so watch this space…
Rob: That’s almost it from us for 2021, all that’s left to do is to wish you all a Merry Christmas from the Middle-earth Team!
Thanks guys! But before we go, we have one final treat for all of you who’ve been good little Hobbits this year. Take a look at these…
What on Middle-earth could these two silhouetted characters be? There will be more details about these two mysterious characters next year, so keep an eye on the Warhammer Community website and sign up to our newsletter for all the latest information.