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War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone Unlocks a Sneaky Phobos-clad Army of Renown

40k WarZoneNachmund Dec28 VigilusAloneHeader

Warhammer 40,000 Seasons are almost upon us, and the action kicks off with an epic new book. War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone focuses on the ongoing war for the beleaguered planet, which is possibly the most strategically important location in the 41st Millennium aside from Terra itself. Today, we’ll show you one of the coolest bits of the new book – the Vanguard Spearhead. 

War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone is packed with awesome stuff, like the Order of the Bloody Rose codex supplement for the Adepta Sororitas. But if you prefer your loyalist warriors protected by Phobos-pattern power armour, you’re in luck.

VanguardRules Jan13 Terrain1

The Vanguard Spearhead is an Army of Renown that plays a bit differently than your typical Space Marine army. They’re recruited from the Scout Company, with the express goal of penetrating deep into enemy territory, sabotaging supplies, causing mayhem, and assassinating high-priority targets. As such, they don’t use the usual Chapter Tactics – instead, Vigilus Alone gives them their own unique set of rules to represent their training and strategies.

Why Should You Play a Vanguard Spearhead Army?

First of all, they’re composed entirely of units with the Phobos, Suppressor Squad, Invictor Tactical Warsuit, and Impulsor keywords. Namely fast, sneaky units. On top of that, Incursor, Infiltrator, and Reiver Squads all gain Objective Secured, as they’re the core of your force. This is a novel way to play an army of Adeptus Astartes, who aren’t usually so well known for their stealth tactics, adding a whole new dimension to your chosen Chapter.

VanguardRules Jan13 Terrain2

Second, Vanguard Spearhead armies are built to be more mobile, harder to hit, and deadlier when they’re on the move, thanks to the Vanguard Operations abilities. Your units count as being in light cover if they’re more than 18″ away, and they even get a bonus on hit rolls when firing from the hip. Plus, 6″ consolidation moves! You’ll feel like you’re commanding an elite unit of crack hit-and-run specialists.

Tools of the Trade

As if those special rules weren’t enough, your Vanguard Spearhead has their own set of Relics and Stratagems to represent specialised equipment you won’t find anywhere else. If you ever wondered how Reiver units gained their reputation for terror, take a look at this chilling Morbidus Bolts Relic. 

VanguardRules Jan13 Morbidius

Or perhaps you fancy your warlord a silent killer, striking from the shadows? Equip them with the Armour Umbral and your opponents won’t even know what hit them.

VanguardRules Jan13 ArmourUmbral

The awesome gadgets and gear they bring to the fight also open up loads of sneaky new Stratagems. 

Tricks and Traps

VanguardRules Jan13 Terrain3

Your Infiltrator squads can be equipped with explosives to unlock this handy Stratagem. Your opponent might think twice about trying to tie them up with their tanks and big beasts.

VanguardRules Jan13 Saboteur

Incursor units in a Vanguard Spearhead can be given a Marksman Target-Tracker, which allows them to show off what those bolt carbines can do in the right hands with this lethal Stratagem.

VanguardRules Jan13 Marksman


When taken together, the Vanguard Spearhead plays unlike any other Space Marines army. If you’re looking for new ways to keep your game fresh or fancy a subtler style of warfare, you’ll want to try this one out. 

You’ll be able to get War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone very soon. In the meantime, grab a box or two of Primaris Incursors – you’ll want loads of them. The kit also makes Infiltrators, so don’t be shy. 

Check back in on the Warhammer Community website for more news about War Zone Nachmund, including Crusade missions, the Eldritch Omens box, and even the next Kill Team expansion. Or better yet, why not sign up for our email newsletter to get the latest sent straight to you?

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