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Abaddon Goes Despoiling, but Faces an Army of the Faithful in Vigilus Alone

40k WarZoneNachmund Dec28 VigilusAloneHeader

The first season has arrived for Warhammer 40,000 – and Nachmund is in the hot seat. This crucial system is being torn apart as myriad factions duke it out for strategically vital assets, particularly the planet Vigilus. War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone goes up for pre-order this weekend, giving you the tools to take part in the brutal slugfest.

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Vigilus Alone is loaded to the gills with rules and lore for this hellish war zone and the forces fighting over it. To give you an idea of what’s inside, let’s crack open the contents of the book.

Vigilus Alone Contents

As you can see, nearly half of Vigilus Alone is dedicated to delivering new background information and art, offering a full view of the ebb and flow of the war.

Abaddon the Despoiler isn’t ready to give up on his prize quite yet. The Warmaster has called in his most elite forces to make sure the job gets done – and all that stands against him are the righteous armies of the Imperial faithful, their religious fervour stoked into a defiant inferno.

Abaddon the DespoilerA little further down the contents table, you’ll see Campaign Rules that allow you to conquer Vigilus for the Ruinous Powers or defend it in the name of the God-Emperor. Ideally run by a Campaign Master,* these campaigns see vital locations change hands like a planet-wide tug of war, and can be played in a single weekend or take place over months of gaming.

The Campaign Rules are suited to matched or narrative play, and feature new war zone abilities, Crusade Relics, and three Legendary Missions representing various hotspots around Vigilus – each with their own special rules and associated effects for winning or losing.

40k VigilusAloneContents Jan24 Image4The rest of Vigilus Alone gives you even more Army Rules to play with, including a Phobos-focused Army of Renown for Space Marines, an Adepta Sororitas Codex Supplement, and datasheets for the Primaris heroes up for pre-order right now.

Plus, the Crusade section brings Vigilus to life with narrative rules for building an army of the Imperial faithful, as well as terrain traits and a new Theatre of War for Battlezone: Fronteris.

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War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone is packed with ways to explore Nachmund and get stuck into Warhammer 40,000’s first season, no matter how you like to play. The book is up for pre-order this Saturday, so grab a Combat Patrol box of Adepta Sororitas or Space Marines,** and get ready for a War of Faith.

Keep an eye out for more information about the other tie-ins you can expect, like the Eldritch Omens boxed set, a Kill Team expansion, and Mission Packs in both Crusade and Grand Tournament flavours. Sign up for the Warhammer Community Newsletter so you don’t miss out.

* The Campaign Master is a new term for Warhammer 40,000 – think of them like the director of the show, an unbiased organiser who doles out the points, helps to arrange games, and keeps the story moving forward.

** Which just so happens to contain lots of Phobos-armoured troops for the Vanguard Spearhead Army of Renown in Vigilus Alone.

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