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Unboxing Eldritch Omens – Chosen of Chaos Clash with the Scouts of Saim-Hann

40k EO BoxSet

Just as foretold, the massive new boxed set that pitches the monstrous forces of Chaos against the resurgent Aeldari is available to pre-order this Saturday.

Containing 16 fabulous miniatures – all but one of which are completely, gloriously new – transfers, and a comprehensive campaign booklet, Eldritch Omens has everything you need to decide the fate of the warp-cursed world of Daethe.

UnboxEldritchOmens Jan31 BoxLayout

That’s a lot of stuff. But don’t we all deserve a closer look? Let’s start with the miniatures. 

For the Aeldari, there’s a highly customisable new Autarch who’s been designed to synergise with the existing Autarch model. Then there are five surreptitious new Rangers, and three new Shroud Runners – swift two-person jetbikes with a sharpshooter riding pillion.

On the side of the Ruinous Powers, there’s a brutal Warpsmith with a whirling gyre of corrupted mechatendrils, five majestic Chosen Chaos Space Marines, and a Forgefiend (which can also be built as a Maulerfiend). 

So you’ve seen the miniatures – but you’re probably wondering what the sprues look like. Everything in this set comes with loads of customisation options – both leaders have a range of heads, wargear, and weaponry. Having walked many different warrior paths, the Autarch can select weaponry from a range of Aspect shrines, including a Banshee mask and a Warp Spider jump generator. The Warpsmith, meanwhile, has more brutish armaments.

UnboxEldritchOmens Jan31 LeaderSprues

The troops and vehicles are even more flexible. Each Aeldari Ranger and Shroud Runner comes with several different posing and wargear options.

The Chaos contingent is incredibly customisable. These guys can all be built with and without helmets, and with a standard requisition of bolters and chainswords, or with more esoteric gear including lightning claws, chainaxes, combi-weapons, power fists, icons, and much else besides.

UnboxEldritchOmens Jan31 ChosenSprues

Beyond that, there’s the Maulerfiend (which can also be built as a Forgefiend), and two generous transfer sheets, one for the Craftworlds and one for Heretic Astartes, with 379 and 364 transfers respectively. These include the emblems of all the major Craftworlds and unaligned Chaos legions, so you can customise the force to suit your tastes and allegiances.

UnboxEldritchOmens Jan31 Transfers

Last, but far from least, comes the crucial 32-page guide to everything that’s going on in Eldritch Omens. This contains all the datasheets you need to play with your two new forces – as well as dedicated crusade rules to improve your troops as they are blooded in battle. 

Then there’s lashings of background information on what’s transpiring on the Aeldari Exodite planet of Daethe – and how that ties into the appearance of the Great Rift and the escalating conflict in the Nachmund Gauntlet.

UnboxEldritchOmens Jan31 Booklet

The clash in Eldritch Omens is between the Asuryani of Saim-Hann, led by the Autarch Medreyal Ghaelyn, also known as the Bloodied Fang, and a band of Black Legionnaires under the command of Warpsmith D’vok, once of the Iron Warriors. D’vok has built his fortress on Daethe and stripped the once-verdant world bare – and Saim-Hann have vowed to win it back.

Eldritch Omens is available to pre-order from this Saturday. That’s not the last you’ll hear from either side this year – there’s a massive wave of Aeldari reinforcements on their way, as we saw in last week’s huge preview from LVO. Stay tuned to the Warhammer Community site for more intel as it arrives.

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