Avast, me hearties! At the LVO, our spyglass caught a glimpse of one of the new Aeldari Corsairs models. Since ye’ve been a good and faithful crew, we’re going to weigh anchor, splice the mainbrace,* and show you the whole squad of vicious space pirates.
Corsairs launch daring raids from their sleek Aeldari ships, seeking wealth, prestige, and all the good times the galaxy has to offer. They represent part of the Warhammer 40,000 lore that has been with us for decades, and now they’re bringing their skills to
. You’d better believe these swift and deadly reavers will introduce a literal boatload of new tricks to the ultimate sci-fi skirmish game.
This glorious new plastic kit contains a host of options – as with the other kill teams released so far, such as the Ork Kommandos and Veteran Guardsmen – allowing you to build a dizzying array of individual fighters. For example, the Starstorm Duellist is a prideful pirate packing a pair of powerful pistols** – and unlike the clumsy landlubbers in other kill teams, they can even blast away at Engagement Range thanks to their Quick on the Trigger ability.

Meanwhile, the Kurnite Hunter – that’s the eyepatched fellow we revealed at LVO – can unleash their pet Faolchú to uncover enemy operatives who’ve used a Conceal order to escape your kill team’s greedy gaze. It’s hard to hide from an eye in the sky.***

The Corsairs will first be available in the forthcoming Kill Team: Nachmund boxed set, which continues the narrative of the current Warhammer 40,000 season. As we hinted on Monday, Corsairs will also have rules in the truly comprehensive Codex: Aeldari – so you can field them alongside the new Guardians, Dark Reapers, and that massive Avatar of Khaine.
We’ll have more details on the Corsairs and Kill Team: Nachmund as we get closer to its pre-order date. Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter so you can catch all the latest updates straight from the crow’s nest.
* No-one knows what this means, but my goodness, it sounds positively piratical.
** Two pistols? They should be called a Starstorm DUAList.
*** The Faolchú is a species of hunting bird, for those not fluent in Aeldari zoology. No, it’s not a parrot.