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Roast and Devour Your Foes With a Whole Army of Supercharged Magmadroths

AoS Fyreslayers2022 FactionHeader

The stalwart Fyreslayers have only just faced off against a force of Idoneth Deepkin led by a ruthless Akhelian Thrallmaster in Fury of the Deep, but what’s next for the sizzling stunties? If our roadmap is any indication, it’s a shiny new battletome!

Battletome: Fyreslayers will give duardin commanders all over the Mortal Realms new ways to get their sooty mitts on heaps of ur-gold, with a raft of red-hot rules updates – including a big boost for everyone’s favourite fire-tongued lizards, the Magmadroths.

AoSMagmadroths Feb24 Content

Born from the ash-black eggs of Vulcatrix, Mother of Salamanders, Magmadroths are hulking beasts filled with flame and fury, raised primarily for battle by Fyreslayer lodges across the Mortal Realms. 

These blazing beasts have been learning some new tricks – they can now build power for their Roaring Fyrestream attack, brewing up a raging inferno in their throats. Once unleashed, the ensuing gout of flame is hot enough to burn through even the toughest defences – it’s an ideal tool for clearing away heavily armoured hordes, especially now it can hit up to 10 times.

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While all Fyreslayers honour Vulcatrix as a worthy foe, the Lofnir lodge take this veneration even further. In a display of simmering irony,* these duardin worship Grimnir alongside his ancient adversary, believing that come the Doomgron, their reborn god will ride the Ur-Salamander into battle.

As such, the Lofnir treat their Magmadroths less as mounts and more as trusted battle companions. They forge strong bonds that render these beasts even hardier than their cousins, and more likely to display quirky personalities – or devastating Mount Traits.

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This lizard-loving lodge also rears more Magmadroths than any other – meaning Lofnir armies can take Auric Runesons on Magmadroths as Battleline units.

That’s right – you can now run a whole army of flame-spitting, obsidian-scaled lizards ridden by pugnacious duardin princes with fiery mohawks. It’s the perfect way to get revenge on the super-sized sea-beasts of Idoneth Deepkin – and a fitting army formation for the Era of the Beast, in which might makes right.

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If that’s got your temperature rising, be sure to sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter, so you don’t miss out on any of the upcoming Fyreslayer previews erupting out of Warhammer Community.

* Scholars of the Mortal Realms strongly suspect Fyreslayers have no concept of irony, dramatic or otherwise.

* * This article was amended to clarify how Roaring Fyrstream works.

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