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Here’s How to Write the Story of Your Opponent’s Doom With the Scriptor Mortis From Arena of Shades

AoS ArenaShadesLore Mar7 Header

Arena of Shades, the fantastic upcoming battlebox for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, will be up for pre-order soon. Pitting the ghostly Nighthaunt against the Bloodthirsty Daughters of Khaine, it includes two hero models who can only be found in this box right now – as well as a new ranged unit for the Nighthaunt. One of the new miniatures is a sorcerous gheist hunched over a massive tome. Once a chronicler of truth, he has been twisted in death by Nagash into a parody of his former self. 

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Known as a Scriptor Mortis, he’s ready to kick ass and take names, and you’d better pray to Sigmar that he’s not recording your death in that book.

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Once members of an order called the Scriptors Auris, these brave historians pursued lore and chronicled the heroic deeds and works of Sigmar. That happened to include the tale of how the God-King freed Nagash from his tomb. The Great Necromancer didn’t really care for their version of the story, so when their souls eventually came to him, he had a special punishment prepared. 

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Twisted into the Scriptors Mortis, they’re now compelled to extol nothing but the virtues of their master’s grand necrotopia. If a story doesn’t quite show their lord in the best light, they simply revise it, embellishing the tale until it pleases the resentful God of Undeath. 

Not only do the Scriptors Mortis record the deeds of the dead, they’re also empowered to doom the souls of the living. If they learn a mortal’s true name, it’s only a matter of time before the Scriptor writes the last chapter in the victim’s story. 

AoSScriptorMortis Mar17 Boxouts

Souls reaped in such a way are cursed to eternal torment. And with the potential to do a ruinous 12 Mortal Wounds, let’s hope your heroes aren’t on the receiving end of one of these nasty little love letters. But remember, once he’s recorded someone’s name, this damage potential makes the Scriptor Mortis a high-priority target for your enemy.

Luckily, the Daughters of Khaine are quick to bring their own brutal judgement. If the High Gladiatrix and her followers can destroy this finicky scribe before he’s had time to add the final flourishes to the story*, they just might make it out alive.

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Catch up on the lore of the Arena of Shades and keep an eye out for more news about the Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine soon. You can even sign up for our newsletter and we’ll send the latest news straight to your inbox. 

* We make this look easy, but trust us – the writing process takes a lot of time. And just imagine if Nagash was the final editor of your piece…