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Slaves to Darkness – New Battletome and Daemon Prince Unveiled

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The fickle winds of fate have revealed a dark and baleful power gathering in the heart of the realms of Chaos.

Yes, Battletome: Slaves to Darkness is on its way. Archaon’s armies are riding out from the Eightpoints to stoke the fires of Chaos, and lay claim to the Mortal Realms with an iron gauntlet in the name of the Ruinous Powers.

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The new battletome also heralds new miniatures – lots and lots of spiky new miniatures – and the crowning jewel of this release is an all-new Daemon Prince, who towers above the mortals under their command.

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This mutated creature has been blessed with manifold malevolent gifts, received in reward for walking the Eightfold Path. This gory feat has led to the ultimate prize – immortal daemonhood.*

There’s more to this miniature than meets the eye, but you’ll have to stay tuned to Warhammer Community next week for more information.

Before the rampaging hordes of Chaos reach us, you can look forward to a treasure trove of Warhammer Age of Sigmar releases arriving in the coming months. We even have a shiny new roadmap for you to check out.

AoS BattletomeRoadmap Apr29 Roadmap

We’ll have plenty more to tell you about Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome: Slaves to Darkness, and this magnificent Daemon Prince at Warhammer Fest Online 2022, which kicks off on Wednesday next week. Make sure you join us there.

* Which means wings, malefic talons, hellforged weapons, and more!

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