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Legions of the Horus Heresy – Do Everything Amazingly With the Dark Angels

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Are you the best at absolutely everything? Do you have the resolve to do what needs to be done, even if it’s a bit extreme? Do you collect secrets like we collect Warriors of the Emperor stickers by Panini? Then the Dark Angels have a place for you.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at each of the Legiones Astartes in turn, and showing you why they deserve your loyalty. We will, of course, be totally fair and balanced, so it makes sense to start things off with the Dark Angels, since they are the First Legion and also the best Legion.

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Did you know that the Dark Angels are the reason why all Space Marines are now known as ‘Angels of Death’? Their early battles – fought alongside the Emperor himself – were such spectacular victories (so the story goes) that the First Legion appeared almost divine, and the sobriquet has stuck ever since.

Put simply, they are masters of all trades. Owing to the diverse cultures that made up the original batch, Dark Angels are equally comfortable with gun or sword in hand, on foot or riding a jetbike, and they’ve hoarded masses of ancient technology since the early days of their existence. Not much of it is very nice*.

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This flexibility plays into their rules in the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, with Dark Angels commanders able to give their units a sub-type from one of the six Hexagrammaton Wings – the Stormwing, the Deathwing, the Ravenwing, the Dreadwing, the Ironwing, and the Firewing.

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These sub-types come with their own flavourful rules in the Loyalist Legiones book, available alongside the massive upcoming boxed set. The line infantry of the Stormwing turn humble bolters into deadly instruments, while the Ironwing excel at massed tank battles. Let’s take a look at what that means in terms of rules for the new edition of the game.

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Would you want to end up in combat with this lot? Other Legions may end up regretting their decisions thanks to the Dark Angels’ unique Advanced Reaction. Not only does it solidify the resolve of a unit under threat, it also puts the fear of the Emperor into their foolish assailants.

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The Primarch



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The accident that scattered the nascent Primarchs across the galaxy deposited Lion El’Jonson on the Death World of Caliban. Unlike many of his brothers, he remained alone for 10 years before being found by other humans, growing into a monster-killing legend before he could even speak.

Often known simply as ‘the Lion’, El’Jonson is one of the greatest military leaders in the galaxy and inherited every bit of the Emperor’s strategic brilliance. Few can match him in a fight**, and his example spurs the rest of the First Legion to ever greater feats of bravery. He’s also the head of uncounted knightly orders and secret organisations, and a rather handsome chap to boot.

His commitment to mastery in warfare and unswerving loyalty lead many to whisper that he, not Horus, would be the most suitable candidate for Warmaster when the Emperor departed the Great Crusade. However, Lion El’Jonson accepted his brother’s appointment, as ever placing duty above glory.

The Heresy



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When the true scope of Horus’ betrayal became clear at the Drop Site Massacre, the Dark Angels were having none of it. Unfortunately, they were on campaign far from Terra to the galactic east, and the Warmaster sent the Night Lords to slow them down.

The Night Lords’ Primarch Konrad Curze became trapped on board the Dark Angels flagship Invincible Reason during the fighting, leading to one of greatest games of hide and seek the galaxy has ever known. The brothers stalked each other through the vast ship for weeks, but unfortunately the Lion had to give up the hunt and return to the broader mission before he could finally bring Curze down.

HHLegionFocus DarkAngels May10 Image6The Dark Angels then made full speed towards the Throneworld before the daemonic Ruinstorm blocked their path, forcing a diversion to Ultramar***. Once their journey resumed, Lion El’Jonson’s fleet gave up the chance for glory fighting in the Siege of Terra itself in order to prevent traitor forces from receiving reinforcements, scouring their supply routes and in some cases even destroying planets, such as the Death Guard homeworld of Barbarus. Nothing quite says “we’re loyal, ruthless, and have weapons we maybe shouldn’t” like blowing up an entire planet.

Their actions allowed the Blood Angels to reinforce the Imperial Fists for the Siege of Terra, allowing Sanguinius to look cool on the walls of the Imperial Palace while Lion El’Johnson was busy doing the dirty work. Once again, the Dark Angels made the hard but strategically optimal choices, missing the chance to make history on the front lines in order to tip the balance to victory through their grim work elsewhere.

Legion Lore



While much of the Legion’s doctrine was established before the restoration of their Primarch, the culture of Caliban’s knightly orders shaped the future development of the Legion. Learn their culture, heroism, and secrets in Lion El’Jonson: Lord of the First, which reveals what the Dark Angels were doing while the other Legions were winning fame and glory on Ullanor.

And to get the ball rolling on a new army, we’ve prepared a video showing you how to paint the Dark Angels. Bring lots of black…

Are you a suitable candidate for the ranks of the First Legion? Find out if you’re cut out for a life of martial excellence by taking the Discover Your Legion quiz at the Horus Heresy website – now updated with even more information on the incredible new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

* Those Dark Age of Technology weapons that the Emperor said were too terrible to use and banned? He actually just gave them all to the Dark Angels for emergencies.

** He once beat a Terminator armour-clad Captain while wearing nothing but a pair of trousers.

*** Nothing happened between arriving at Ultramar and setting out again, why do you ask?

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