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Mesmerise Your Way to a Touchdown With Amazon Star Player Boa Kon’ssstriktr

I've just been interviewing Boa Kon'ssstriktr, Jim. He mentioned that he wants to move into Government when he finishes playing. 

Jim: Ah, does that mean he wants to be a civil serpent, Bob?

Bob: Maybe Jim, but he’s getting so much fang mail he’s sticking to Blood Bowl.

It’s none other than the legendary Snakeman Star Player Boa Kon’ssstriktr. This sashaying serpent is the first Snakeman in Blood Bowl, from a race we haven’t seen on or off the pitch in quite some time. 

BB Boa Konstriktr

Despite his notable lack of legs, this scaly fella has a sssensssational MA of 6, and prefers the position of runner, using skills such as Dodge, Sidestep, and Safe Pair of Hands to snake his way up the field, ball in hand – or mouth. *

When this sinewy serpent isn’t showing off for his adoring fans in the Lustrian Superleague, he can use his hypnotic glare to befuddle opponents. This lets him snatch the ball out of their hands – a perplexing skill that leaves even the smartest of players confused.

BB Boa Jul11 Boxout

Boa Kon’ssstriktr is wriggling his way to pre-order from Forge World soon. In the meantime, sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to get all the latest Blood Bowl news (and plenty more) delivered right to your inbox.

* Boa has a bad habit of mistaking the ovoid Blood Bowl balls as eggs and has swallowed four balls over his career.

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