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Horus Heresy Thursday – Once Again the Emperor’s Children Present a Perfect Praetor

Heresy Thursday

The III Legion were only recently blessed with a preview of a sparkling new Praetor, all decked out in armour and raiment radiant enough to suit the Phonecian himself. 

Then, much to the dismay of the Emperor's Children, the improper brutes of the XII Legion and the barely leashed Sons of Russ barged ahead of the queue with comparably tawdry Legion upgrades.

Dignity and order have thankfully now been restored with the emergence of a second Emperor’s Children Praetor, this time in supremely tasteful Tartaros armour.

Emperor's Children Praetor

Like his leaner brother in arms, every spare inch of his indomitable tactical dreadnought armour is covered with beautiful detail and exquisite engravings. This must be what they mean when they talk about the art of war.

To complete the look, he’s accessorised with a masterfully smithed falchion and a stylish combi-bolter with an underslung volkite weapon.

Praetor Details

This Praetor is an obvious choice to head up a squad of similarly dripped out Phoenix Terminators,  with the whole crew serving looks and lightning-swift death to any Loyalist foolish to stand against them.*

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* Or Heretics if you wish! Not everyone in the Legion was happy with Fulgrim’s loyalties.

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