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Construct a Labyrinthine Space Hulk With Kill Team: Into the Dark’s Cool Modular Terrain

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Kill Team: Into the Dark has dropped out of the warp and is available for pre-order right now – this huge new boxed set contains two completely new Kill Teams, rules for fighting within the treacherous confines of a space hulk, and a heap of gorgeous terrain designed to represent the innards of an ancient void ship.

KTGallowdark Sept06 Boxset

A space hulk is a creaking, nightmarish amalgam of disparate ships all mashed together over the millennia, and yours will start as eight stuffed sprues full of walls, doors, columns, and a host of detailed attachments.

To make setting up your boarding missions easy, each element is assigned a symbol on a Killzone Key reference sheet, so you know exactly which piece is which. Every Into the Dark mission also comes with a map representing a particular part of the Gallowdark – constructed in conjunction with the Killzone Key.

KTGallowdark Sept06 Key

These maps show where all the walls, columns, hatches, overhanging pipes, and debris are so you can pore over the mission briefing and figure out your plan of action in advance. Good intel is half the battle, and having a clear understanding of the warren of death your Kill team is heading into will aid in the pursuit of victory.

KTGallowdark Sept06 Map

None of this would be possible without the level of care that’s gone into the design of the Into the Dark terrain. The columns that make up the corners are modular, and can be put together and taken apart over and over, which lets them serve multiple purposes and makes swapping between layouts a doddle. 

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Alongside the hulk’s walls, hatches, and columns, there are loads of characterful pieces that breathe life into your killzone. Artefacts such as dynamos, control panels, and pressurised canisters can all serve as objectives, points of interest, and makeshift barriers – check out this little mobile generator and fuel cell combo –  to hunker down behind.

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All of this makes for the ultimate Killzone terrain. Kill Team: Into the Dark’s missions are packed with brilliant layouts that introduce creative ways to use them, but it’s just the beginning. 

You can use this terrain as the starting point for your very own Zone Mortalis board for games of the Horus Heresy, or add some additional rooms and corridors to an already packed Necromunda board. Some walls are even compatible with plasma conduits and fuel pipes from existing terrain kits, giving you even more scope for a customised battle zone.

KTGallowdark Sept06 Terrainpieces

Pre-order Kill Team: Into the Dark to get all this terrain and two brand new kill teams – the Imperial Navy Breachers and the Kroot Kinband – and sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter for more news on upcoming Kill Team boxed sets. Each will expand your terrain collection, unlocking new options, combinations, and battlefields.

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