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Dive Right Into the War for Gnarlwood’s Warrens in the New Warhammer Underworlds

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There’s a new season of Warhammer Underworlds inbound and it looks… well… gnarly. Your fast-paced bouts of competitive arena combat are headed to Ghur in the forthcoming Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood set, where warbands clash in colossal root-caverns beneath a man-eating jungle. These halls of twisted fauna and carnivorous plants are the backdrop for a struggle between howling berserkers and long-dead royalty – with a hundred ways to die standing between you and untold riches.WHUW Gnarlwood Sep26 Box ENGThis is the most accessible Warhammer Underworlds core set ever released, containing two awesome warbands and four(!) Rivals decks designed to be opened, shuffled, and played right out of the box.WHUW Gnarlwood0Sep26 Image1 Board

If you’ve ever been enticed by the fast-paced arena combat of Warhammer Underworlds, this massive box – which opens the new season – is the place to start. Everything you need to get playing is right here in the box – including the fighters you’ll be commanding, as well as boards, rules, dice, cards, and counters.


Gnarlspirit Pack

are a band of Darkoath pariahs, consumed by animalistic spirits that bellow their rage into the warriors’ minds. Led by the hunt-shaman Sarrakkar Blackwing, they reave and ravage the Gnarlwood at the inscrutable urging of their bestial patrons. Each is a powerful warrior who can let their bestial nature take over for even greater strength, before calming back down to Inspire on the spot. 

The Sons of Velmorn called this region home long before the Gnarlwood consumed it, keeping the jungle at bay with fire and steel. The Age of Chaos spelled doom for their dynasty, but thanks to the necromantic Tyrant’s Crown, the fight to protect their long-fallen realm continues. 

King Velmorn is the lynchpin, supporting his Grave Guard sons – whose sibling rivalry drives them to one-up each other and crash over enemy warbands as a cohesive whole.

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The new core rulebook has been specially designed to help new players dive right in, presenting separate sections of advanced rules for experienced players. Everything you need to play Warhammer Underworlds at any skill level is right here, including games with up to four players.

The quick and convenient Rivals decks are the star of the box, launching you and a friend right into the action with pre-constructed decks of gambits, upgrades, and objectives. Each warband starts with their own tailored deck, and two more universal Rivals decks are included to shake up the game with new options and strategies. These two other decks can be used by any existing Underworlds warband.

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Advanced players still have the full deck-building experience at their disposal, and new challenges posed by the Gnarlwood setting will change the game for even the most seasoned explorers. 

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More information on the new season of Warhammer Underworlds is coming soon, so sign up to the Warhammer newsletter and don’t miss a moment. 

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