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Heresy Thursday – Focus Your Mind Bullets With These Thousand Sons Upgrade Kits

Heresy Thursday

Magnus the Red wept. Tears fell from his single eye, in the knowledge that his great rivals, the sons of Leman Russ, had received spectacular Mark VI head and shoulder pad upgrades before his own beloved Thousand Sons. Cheer up, Magnus, we’ve got your new kits right here.

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The Thousand Sons are a Legion of (in)famous psykers, so helmets that emphasise your third eye* with three varieties of fancy diadem are all the rage. Plus, stylish eye markings mean you don’t have to hide your kohl just to avoid a boltshell to the head.

Whether your troops belong to the Corvidae, Pyrae, Pavoni, Athanaeans, or Raptora,** they’ll look great in these. The set also includes an officer’s helmet with a more prominent crest, and a bare head – does going without a helmet make it easier to cast your psychic powers? Only Tzeentch knows.

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There’s also a set of 10 shoulder pads, the perfect way to finish off your Mark VI Space Marines. They’re embossed with the Legion’s solar glyph, and are a fantastic alternative to using transfers on your miniatures.

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These Thousand Sons head and shoulder pad upgrades will both be available to pre-order in finely-detailed resin soon. For those without psychic foresight, sign up for the Forge World newsletter to have their release date sent straight to your inbox.

* Sorry, Magnus, no insult intended.

** Find out more about the cults of the Thousand Sons in the Horus Heresy novel A Thousand Sons.

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