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  • Saturday Pre-orders – The Slaves to Darkness Arrive and Horus Ascends

Saturday Pre-orders – The Slaves to Darkness Arrive and Horus Ascends

The Mortal Realms tremble this week, as the Slaves to Darkness pour forth to conquer all before them, taking back what’s theirs from Sigmar the pretender. If that’s not what you’re about, you can prepare to fight back with a new Matched Play supplement, while in the Age of Darkness, Horus reaches the peak of his powers.

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General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 2

GWPreorders Jan14 PitchedBattles

The essential guide to the next season of Matched Play is here. This new General’s Handbook continues the battle for the Splintered Lands, but shifts the focus to cunning Galletian Champions and their dedicated bodyguards. This book contains a selection of new grand strategies, battle tactics, and battleplans.

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DTome

Archaon and Be’lakor’s bitter rivalry has only resulted in bigger armies, which now march on the Mortal Realms. Battletome: Slaves to Darkness covers these diverse mortal Chaos worshippers, and contains the 54 warscrolls and Pitched Battle profiles you need to raise your own ravaging horde, and plenty more besides.*

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness (Limited Edition)

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DTomeLE

The exalted amongst you may improve your chances on the Path to Glory with the limited edition of Battletome: Slaves to Darkness. It contains all the same content, but with a luxurious soft-touch cover, gold foil lettering, gilt page edges, and a red ribbon page marker.*

Vanguard: Slaves to Darkness

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DVanguard

Unleash your inner Chaos Lord with this Vanguard box, which contains 17 miniatures ready to grind the enemies of Chaos beneath their boots and hooves. It includes a Chaos Lord, 10 Chaos Warriors, five Chaos Knights, and a chariot which you can build to be pulled by horses or a gorebeast.*

Daemon Prince

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DDaemonPrince

Who better to lead your army than one who has triumphed over the Path to Glory and attained daemonhood? The Daemon Prince is a monster of a miniature with a choice of seven heads and many build options including a choice of armament.

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DDaemonPrinceDeets

You can customise to your heart's content and even kit him out for use in Warhammer 40,000.**

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DLordOnKark

The Chaos Lord on Karkadrak is a true terror of the battlefield. This scaly sledgehammer will crack even the toughest of armoured enemies. With Vanguard: Slaves to Darkness replacing the Start Collecting! box, he is available separately for the first time.*

Eternus, Blade of The First Prince 

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DEternus

Even Be’lakor’s shadowy schemes must eventually break out into open warfare if he is to claim the power he so desires. His legions ride out under the banner of his mightiest champion, Eternus, Blade of the First Prince. This set also builds a generic Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount.*

Exalted Hero of Chaos

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DExalted

Ranking just below Chaos Lords, an Exalted Hero of Chaos is a compact combat blender swollen with gifts from their dark patron.*

Chaos Chosen

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DChosen

Chaos Chosen are the cream of the chaotic crop. Dark gifts from their terrible gods empower these elite warriors, resulting in some of the most efficient and brutal fighters in the Mortal Realms.*

The Warhammer Painting Team are sure that these mighty warriors will be a top pick for many players, so they have selected 10 paints to get yours ready for battle. All you need is Iron Warriors, Khrone Red, Rhinox Hide, Corvus Black, Basilicanum Grey, Balthasar Gold, Rakarth Flesh, Runefang Steel, Agrax Earthshade and Evil Sunz Scarlet.

14 01 PaintPicks ChaosChosen

Chaos Warriors

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DWarriors

Chaos Warriors are the hardened soldiers clad in grimy metal that make up the bulk of Slaves to Darkness armies. They can be armed with hand weapons or ensorceled halberds, and have options for creating a commander, banner bearer and musician.*

Chaos Knights

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DKnights

The ranks of Chaos Knights are filled with warriors who have proven themselves exceptional in battle. They charge into battle atop their war steeds, skewering lesser foes with their powerful lances. These are previously available models which come with new options to add a banner bearer and musician.*

Ogroid Theridons

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DOgroids

Crush your opponent’s forces in new and exciting ways with a savage unit of Ogroid Theridons. These brutes can be equipped with double-handed goroan great axes, or goroan falchions and shields.*

Slaves to Darkness Dice Set

GWPreorders Jan14 S2DDice

Finish your collection of Chaos with the Slaves to Darkness Dice Set. It contains 20 dice, cast in black and white, each featuring the eight-pointed star of Chaos on the six face.*

HorusHeresy2022 Black 600Wide LOGO

Horus Ascended 

GWPreorder Jan14 HorusAscended

In the latter days of the Horus Heresy, the traitor Warmaster was grossly swollen with power, becoming more than a Primarch thanks to the blessing of the Chaos Gods. Horus Ascended is this terrifying transfiguration manifest. This resin Character Series miniature represents the Warmaster at his most powerful and comes with an optional scenic base littered with the dead and wreckage of battle. 

GWPreorder Jan14 HorusAscendedDetails

He is available globally from the Forge World webstore, but if you're in the UK, Europe, Japan, or the USA, you can also get him from the Games Workshop webstore.

Thousand Sons MKVI Upgrades

GWPreorder Jan14 TSHeadsGWPreorder Jan14 TSShoulders

The Thousand Sons spend their time on Prospero mastering esoteric psychic powers. In battle. The Legion represent their mystic homeworld with helmets that bear arcane circlets, and shoulder pads with the serpentine star, marking them out as true sons of Prospero. Both sets are cast in resin.

Ultramarines MKVI Upgrades

GWPreorder Jan14 UMHeadsGWPreorder Jan14 UMShoulders

The Ultramarines draw their numbers from the 500 Worlds, all unified under the banner of Roboute Guilliman. Mark your XIII legion out with a set of subtly detailed Mark VI helmets and shoulder pads that bear the mark of Ultramar. Both sets are cast in resin.

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White Dwarf Issue 484

GWPreorders Jan14 WD484

Boarding Action fever is gripping Warhammer 40,000, and this month’s White Dwarf is joining the fun with an Ark of its own creation. Corrupted by long years in the warp, the Herald of Misery is represented by six new missions, warp-infected entity tiles, and rules to use them. On top of that, the team have managed to fit in hefty articles about your favourite Warhammer games, and loads of pictures of gorgeous miniatures. 

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* These products have been delayed in Japan.

** This product has been delayed in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

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