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  • Celebrate 40 Years of Warhammer With a Year-Long showcase of seminal Miniatures

Celebrate 40 Years of Warhammer With a Year-Long showcase of seminal Miniatures

Warhammer history stretches back 40 years, to the first edition of a game that would become Warhammer Fantasy Battles – released in 1983.

That’s some pedigree, and so to celebrate the 40th year of the world’s finest miniatures fighting shockingly deadly battles, 2023 will be packed with retrospectives. Each week our archivists will showcase a storied treasure salvaged from the depths of Warhammer history – and we’re kicking things off with two of our most iconic models.

We begin in the 1980s, with Warhammer's original anti-heroes….

Warhammer has always leaned into the grim and the dark, and Chaos Warriors are the indisputable experts. Though this fellow isn’t quite Warhammer’s first ever miniature, the Chaos Warrior known as Slambo is perhaps the most fondly remembered armoured killer of the age. 

Clad in Chaos armour and a horned helmet, and brandishing two hefty axes, he is a vision of power. This archetypal image survives to this day, exemplified by the Slaves to Darkness in Warhammer Age of Sigmar – even those twin axes survived

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The styling of the original Chaos Warriors went on to inspire the heavy armour that would become the hallmark of Warhammer games in the future, including Warhammer 40,000’s Space Marines and Age of Sigmar’s Stormcast Eternals.

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Speaking of Space Marines, after the success of the first editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, sights turned to  a new universe - the grim darkness of the far future. And with Warhammer 40,000 came another seminal model…

Great things often have humble beginnings, and the vast and enthralling universe of Warhammer 40,000 is no different. The first Space Marine is the spark that lit the fire – more medieval knight than sci-fi soldier, his oversized pauldrons and pointed helmet captured everyone’s imagination, and remain a touchstone for Space Marine design. 

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Modern designs would refine the aesthetic, but everyone loves a beakie – which we now know as Mark VI ‘Corvus’ Pattern armour

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There’s plenty more to come throughout the year, including some reveals we guarantee you won’t be expecting, so sign up to our newsletter to make sure none of them pass you by.

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