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  • The Regimental Standard – Get to Know Lord Castellan Ursula J. Creed

The Regimental Standard – Get to Know Lord Castellan Ursula J. Creed

RSSentinels Jan17 Header

Greetings, Guardsmen!

Did you know that the stalwart regiments of Cadia have a new Lord Castellan? Just as the fighting men and women of our much-mourned gate world rise from the ashes of their tragedy, so does the name Creed once more take its rightful place at their head. 

RSCreed Jan18 Leaflet

Ursula J. Creed is nothing short of the greatest military mind to lead the Cadian Shock Troops since her legendary father. Possessed of fiery spirit and unbending faith in the God-Emperor, she towers above mere Guardsmen like you. Such is the Lord Castellan’s strength of spirit that her voice can be heard across miles of tempestuous battlefield, and even into orbit (according to reliable Ministorum records).

Despite inheriting a name that strikes fear into the hearts of the foulest heretics, Creed is no product of idle nepotism like ++CRITICISM EXPUNGED – SEE COMMISSARIAT++. She counts thousands of traitorous warlords amongst her conquered foes, worlds crumble beneath her mighty boots, and evil itself quakes in the face of her ire.

RSCreed Jan18 PictCard

One epic tale – its veracity guaranteed by our patri fratus who works for the Administratum – places Lord Castellan Creed before the rebels of Utrecht Prime. She brought low the heretic fortress of that world with nothing but righteous scorn and a steely glare, graciously allowing the 4,400 guns of the Cadian 18th Siege Division to mop up what remained. Truly a commander to be feared and adored in equal measure.

Fear not, ye Guardsmen unfortunate enough to count themselves outside Cadia’s illustrious company – Creed sees fit to command all, and one day you too may feel the reassuring pressure of her unquestionable authority upon your shoulders. Long years of front line service have made her the finest infantry commander in the galaxy, and it is your duty as a servant of the Emperor to place your lives at her disposal.

RSCreed Jan18 Poster

Regimental Update: Mandatory veneration of the new Lord Castellan will be enforced by your regimental commissariat. Dissemination of approved reliquae adora is permissible under Emergency Dispensation Order C77450-B from receipt of this notice for a period of two (2) years. Adeptus Ministorum exceptions apply.

Thought for the day: “To honour the fallen, walk proud in their footsteps.”