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  • Codewrights Are The Ultimate Rules Lawyers Who Weaponise the Kharadron Code for Power and Profit in the New Battletome

Codewrights Are The Ultimate Rules Lawyers Who Weaponise the Kharadron Code for Power and Profit in the New Battletome

The Kharadron Overlords are hard-nosed duardin who zig-zag the Mortal Realms in grand airships searching for plunder, profit, and aether-gold. In a time of gods and monsters, these tenacious tycoons battle to forge their own destiny – and they’ll soon be seeking out new fortunes in the upcoming Battletome: Kharadron Overlords.

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Kharadron warfare is bound by the same sprawling constitution that governs every aspect of their society – a tangled knot of rules, contracts, and oaths known simply as the Kharadron Code. Puzzled by this pyramid of precedents and provisos? You need to call on a real specialist. 

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Most duardin of the sky-ports can recite swathes of the Code verbatim – but few can navigate its treacherous legal landscape and scrupulously strict syntax as completely as the Codewright.

Armed with a personal library of lofty texts hoisted on mechanical arms, these book-smart battle-boffins can unravel the ramifications of seemingly innocuous addendums and errata. They are quite literal rules lawyers, eager to convince everyone else that their interpretation of the Code is the right one.*

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In battle, Codewrights use their knowledge to find loopholes that’ll increase everyone’s shares. Not a day goes by that a Codewright doesn’t Search for Precedent and pipe up with “I Think You’ll Find…” allowing their Admiral to pursue a course that less-informed rivals might consider dodgy.

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This vexatious pedantry allows Codewrights to unlock new tactics on the fly, swapping out the bonuses granted to each Kharadron Overlords army by its interpretation of the Code. A fleet that adheres to the footnote There’s No Reward Without Risk can attempt an 18" charge once per battle – particularly helpful for ramming actions with a Frigate

With a Codewright to hand, you can swap out that expired footnote for Without Our Ships, We Are Naught, allowing you to grant one SKYVESSEL two commands in a single phase, once per battle. Ever wanted your Ironclad to launch an All-Out Attack and an All-Out Defence at the same time? Or perhaps you’d prefer the new Iron Sky Command Abilities…

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To fully understand the ins and outs of the Code and its use in battle, you’ll need your own compendium of detailed rules and traditions – also known as the new Battletome: Kharadron Overlords. Sign up for our newsletter to find out when it has been properly filed, approved, re-approved, and released. 

* And if arguments fail, they can still smack someone with a hefty book. There’s a reason they call it a battletome…

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