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  • Boarding Patrols Inbound for Genestealer Cults, Death Guard, Chaos Daemons and the Adeptus Mechanicus

Boarding Patrols Inbound for Genestealer Cults, Death Guard, Chaos Daemons and the Adeptus Mechanicus

The crisis deepens – Angron is loose, Vashtorr is scheming, and Abaddon’s Arks of Omen are voyaging to every corner of the galaxy in search of who knows what. The Imperium is scrambling to regain the upper hand, dispatching boarding parties in a last-ditch attempt to stop the Warmaster’s vile plans. 

The only problem? Everyone else wants in on the action, and now the whole galaxy is boarding the Arks of Omen in search of glory, treasure, or just a big punch-up. In fact, four more Boarding Patrol boxes are preparing for launch in the near future – and only one of them might be said to have the Emperor’s best interests at heart…

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The Adeptus Mechanicus bring a flexible force of 10 Skitarii, who can be built as Rangers or Vanguard, backed up by three hulking Kataphrons, which can be built as Destroyers or the appropriately-named Breachers. Scouting ahead are five Sicarians, who can be built as Ruststalkers or Infiltrators, all led by a Tech-Priest Dominus with a variety of arcane wargear options and a thirst for voidborne relics. 

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This versatile box provides bodies, ballistics, and big-hitters for you to join the eternal quest to uncover archeotech and fragments of holy STC from the ancient Arks of Omen.

Chaos Daemons have – appropriately, given the arrival of Angron – manifested as a huffing and slavering crash of Khornate nightmares. 10 Bloodletters and 10 Flesh Hounds are led by Khorne’s favourite hunter – Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance. In the cramped confines of a space hulk, these frenzied killers will close the distance between enemy guns with warp-flushed speed and savagery.

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Genestealers famously love to hitch rides on space hulks – perennial enemies of the Space Marine Terminators who have to go to the trouble of clearing them out. The Genestealer Cults are therefore taking a trip on the nearest Ark in order to spread the love.* 

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This Boarding Patrol contains 17 models in total – one gunslinging Kelermorph inspires a team of 10 Acolyte Hybrids, who can also be built as Hybrid Metamorphs, while a hulking Abominant is joined by his little Mindwyrm Familiar friend, and five nearly-as-hulking Aberrants.

Finally, the Death Guard heed Abaddon’s call, with an obdurate if slimy Boarding Patrol led by a Lord of Virulence. He’s joined by a bodyguard of three Deathshroud Terminators, as well as 10 versatile Plague Marines – three of which are taken from the much-sought-after Plague Marine Reinforcements set. 

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Alongside these, the Space Marine Boarding Patrol that’s out now, and the three further sets recently announced for the Necrons, Tyranids, and Grey Knights, there are even more boxes to come for other factions in the 41st Millennium. 

As always, keep your astropathic choir trained on the searing light of the Astronomican – or just sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter for more up-to-the-millennium communiqués as they’re revealed.

* i.e. the adulterated genestock that will give rise to another generation of hybrids on a new planet, eager to call down the Star Children and set yet another Day of Ascension into horrifying motion.

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