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  • Boarding Actions Battle Report – Relive a Classic Space Hulk Showdown Between Tyranids and Ultramarines

Boarding Actions Battle Report – Relive a Classic Space Hulk Showdown Between Tyranids and Ultramarines

This week, a classic rivalry reignites on Warhammer+. Tyranids stalk the halls of a space hulk and the Space Marines deploy to root them out. We called in Hive Tyrant Ben for a debrief, to explain more about this epic close-quarters rumble.


Ben: It’s the Battle Report debut of Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Actions! Using the rules from Arks of Omen: Abaddon, our game saw an elite force of Ultramarines sweeping the deck clear of a foul Tyranid presence before the xenos creatures could disable a critical power network and leave the ship crippled and adrift in space. 

Boarding Actions games are set in tight and claustrophobic confines using small forces of just 500 points. This setting and the army size instantly gives everything a more intense feel as most factions don't have that many units to deal with, so each has to be used really carefully. Elites and Characters may be able to deal some real damage but your Troops units in Boarding Actions games are vital.

This focus on Troops is largely because of objectives – these units have the Objective Secured ability, meaning they can perform the Secure Site action. This new action allows you to retain control of an objective even if you move your models away from it.


Our Boarding Patrol HQ units were great (a Primaris Captain in gravis armour for the Space Marines and a Broodlord for the Tyranids) – each very killy and tough! With both of us aware of this, their positioning and use became something we both had to really think about.


It was a nail-biting game that could have swung either way, and you’ll definitely want to watch right until the end for some epic high-drama plays. Seriously, it’s probably the closest game we’ve ever had on Battle Report!

Thanks Ben! Once you’re done watching two of the galaxy’s greatest close-range champions beat the stuffing out of each other, head over to Citadel Colour Masterclass for an in-depth tutorial on painting pallid vampire skin tones perfect for the Soulblight Gravelords. You can find this and much more at Warhammer+, so subscribe today and get access to hours of battle reports, animated series, hobby tutorials, and even more.

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