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Download Rules For Regiments of Renown and Bring Spicy Abilities to Liven Up Your Army

Those legendary mercenary companies known as the Regiments of Renown are coming to pre-order this weekend, and to use them in your own games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar you’ll need an equally awesome set of rules. Good news – they’re right here to download.

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This free PDF provides general rules for using Regiments of Renown in your armies, as well as the points costs and special abilities for all six regiments available this Saturday.

We’ve already seen what Norgrimm’s Rune Throng can do, but the other regiments each have a trick or two. The Coven of Thryx, for example, manipulate the esoteric energies of Tzeentch, specialising in endless spells. 

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Magister Thryx is a Skilled Summoner, and can cast one of the spells included in the box before the first turn has even begun. He’s so puissant, enemy wizards are powerless to dispel them in the first battle round. 

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The Horrors that accompany the Magister aren’t just a capering bodyguard – they’re fuel for his sorcerous might. Thryx harvests their Sparks of Profane Potential – released when each of his minions dies – to twist his endless spells into powerful new forms.

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Orruks may not be known for their marksmanship, but Big Grikk’s Kruleshots are uncommonly lethal. Man-skewer Boltboyz packing Toxin-laden Skewers have brought many massive MONSTERS low, guided by the pinpoint accuracy of Grikk’s own Killbow and a sharp bellow to “Skewer It Again!

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Veremord’s Shamblers, Hargax’s Pit-beasts, and Elthwin’s Thorns all have their own deadly abilities, and they’re a great way of adding their faction’s unique flavour to other armies from their Grand Alliance. 

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Pre-order your Regiments of Renown this Saturday, and download the rules now to find out how these specialised mercenaries will add some zing to your Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.

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