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  • Get Your First Look at the Human Soldiers of the Cities of Sigmar

Get Your First Look at the Human Soldiers of the Cities of Sigmar

In the Age of Sigmar, immortal warriors clash with inconceivable horrors, gods wander the earth, and towering behemoths stalk the realms. There is much for a lowly mortal soul to fear – but by

their faith in Sigmar

these ordinary warriors brave the battlefield regardless, fighting alongside myths and monsters to win glory for Azyr.

Yes, after a year of Dawnbringer Previews, the men and women of the Cities of Sigmar are mustering.

Here they are, the brave souls forging their destinies in the mud, ash, sand, and soot of campaigns across the Mortal Realms. These are the regular, redoubtable foot soldiers who make up the armies of the Cities of Sigmar. While they might all be in uniform, the human footsoldiers of Sigmar’s armies are far from uniform, pulled from all the free peoples and cultures of the realms. 

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A blend of classic elements and new designs, these are the humble soldiery of the God-King’s cities. These free peoples are clad in rugged, hard-wearing armour displaying their devotion to Sigmar – we’ve seen one of those shields before.

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These valiant warriors still have preparations to make, blades to sharpen, and many miles to march. As the year progresses, we’ll have more miniature reveals from the Cities of Sigmar range for you to peruse before they are released.

It’s at about this time that Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans start to wonder what the rest of the year looks like. We’ve prepared a roadmap for what’s coming in the next few months.

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Head back to the AdeptiCon hub page to catch up on the rest of today’s reveals.

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