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  • Domitan’s Stormcoven Are Ready to Purge the Wyrdhollow with Holy Bolts of Lucent Lightning

Domitan’s Stormcoven Are Ready to Purge the Wyrdhollow with Holy Bolts of Lucent Lightning

The Stormcast Eternals are the living embodiment of the will of Sigmar. There is nowhere in the Mortal Realms that these armoured warriors will not venture in their mission to smite evil and establish Order.

The Knights-Arcanum of the Valedictor Temple are skilled and studious battle-mages, wielding the magic of the storm in a manner reminiscent of the God-King himself. When they’re not occupied on the battlefield, some Knights-Arcanum undertake quests to secure magical artefacts that may endanger the realms. Domitan’s Stormcoven is one such group.

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This thunderous trio are dead set on hacking through the verdant guts of the Wyrdhollow to put an end to the calamity of change-magic conjured by the rogue Tzeentchian apprentice, Ephilim.

The members of this warband embody the many aspects of Sigmar, each a mighty sorcerer connected in combat by a crackling shroud of cerulean lightning that allows them to operate in tandem. When the going gets tough, they can Harness the Aether and tap into hitherto unknown wells of arcane power, Inspiring in the process. 

As one might expect, the fulminating aura around these bonded Knights-Arcanum gives them access to a wide range of storm-themed gambits. They can summon mighty lightning bolts to immolate foes with Blaze of Heavens and cause bolts of electricity to jump to adjacent spell targets with Lightning Tether.

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These valiant Valedictors have also packed plenty of their own trinkets, scrolls, and tomes with them to reach for when things get out of hand. The Liber Fulminus supercharges the range of a fighter’s spells, great for reaching into enemy territory when combined with Lightning Tether, while the Scrolls of the Spell-seeker lower the casting value of spells.

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Domitan’s Stormcoven can zap and Surge their way to victory, scoring straightforward Objective cards like Scouring Arcs and Channel the Storm, which make great use of their innate spellcasting skills and ability to easily Inspire when circumstances require. 

Should the Stormcoven force their way into enemy territory and fry a grot or two in the process, they can score Knights Victorious, the ultimate expression of their thunder-touched fighting style.

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Get some help painting these martial masters of the storm from the Warhammer Painting team, who have prepared a lighting-fast recipe to get the whole warband painted with just 10 paints.

These golden warriors will need to pull every spellcasting trick out of the book to contend with the thaumaturgical tricksters of Ephilim’s Pandaemonium, who we’ll be casting an eye (or seven) over very soon. Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow is available to pre-order this weekend.

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