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The Hive Mind Unleashes Death From Above With the Winged Tyranid Prime

We all loved the Teleport Homer bringing in a squad of vengeful Terminators, but perhaps the real star of the Warhammer 40,000 Cinematic Trailer was the Winged Tyranid Prime. Who didn’t love watching it rip that Terminator in half? Okay, that Terminator’s mum wasn’t a fan, but the rest of us loved the terrifying raw power on display. But what would such a creature look like in model form?

The Hive Mind has understood that simply walking up to your enemies sometimes won’t cut it. So it has had a little Hive Mind think about it and come up with a hive-style solution: wings!

Tyranid Prime

With this stroke of inspiration, the Winged Tyranid Prime is born! With frightening speed and manoeuvrability they can drop down into the midst of the foe, slicing and ripping apart anything that gets too close.* 

As a Tyranid Prime, it boasts the strength and synaptic might of an alpha war-beast. And just look at that face – if you were a Hormagaunt and this thing told you to jump, you’d also ask how high…

Tyranid prime

There are still loads of things left to show and tell you about the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with everything that’s going on – choose whether you sign up for the Tyranid-themed one or the Space Marines-themed one

Tyranid Prime

In the meantime, grab a unit of Gargoyles or a Harpy so the Winged Tyranid Prime has some flying friends, and check out the other reveals in the #New40k hub below:

#New40K Hubpage

* They slice things up so small that the Ripper Swarms barely have to chew.

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