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Saturday Pre-orders – Seraphon Rule the Realms

Victory is written in the stars today, as Battletome: Seraphon and the lizard legions of the Slann Starmasters come to dispense justice and order on the Mortal Realms. 

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Battletome: Seraphon

GWPreorders May27 AoS SERBattletome

The scaled warriors of the Seraphon are back in force, with new units and old favourites given fresh updates in Battletome: Seraphon. This tome contains all the rules you need to field Coalesced and Starborne armies, with warscrolls, Pitched Battle profiles, and Path to Glory content that places your Sacred Spawnings under the auspices of the Old Ones.

Battletome: Seraphon (Limited Edition)

GWPreorders May27 AoS Content SERBattletomeLE

Are you numbered among the favoured of the Old Ones? Show off your exalted status with the Limited Edition version of Battletome: Seraphon, packing all of the same rules, lore, and model showcases from the regular edition but with a beautiful full-art cover featuring gold foil blocking, gilt page edges, and a red ribbon page marker.

Slann Starmaster

GWPreorders May27 Slann

Lead your saurus and skinks into battle with the supreme mystical guidance of the Slann Starmaster, carried upon a majestic floating palanquin. These powerful wizards can cast three spells in your hero phase, and the kit comes with a wide variety of cosmetic components used to customise your own personal mage-priest.

Saurus Scar-veteran on Aggradon

GWPreorders May27 ScarVetAggradonThose commanders who prefer the martial over the magical trust their missions to experienced Saurus Scar-veterans, who take to the field atop vicious predatory aggradons. Few can match their breadth of combat experience, and even fewer survive an assault from their teeth, claws, and blades.

Skink Starseer

GWPreorders May27 SkinkStarseer

Skinks make excellent mages despite their diminutive stature, and the Starseers are among the best. They are uniquely adept at manipulating wards, using their prophetic powers to grant them to their comrades while stripping away enemy protection with their Celestial Doom spell.

Spawn of Chotec

GWPreorders May27 Chotek

Although the Seraphon are known for their ferocious war-beasts, not all are earth-shaking behemoths. The Spawn of Chotec packs a mean punch at range and up close, hurling globs of flame acid over its prey before closing in and gnawing them to chunks with its fiery maw.*


GWPreorders May27 Kroxigor

Kroxigor are huge cousins to the skinks, heavily muscled brutes who crush the enemies of the Seraphon in brutal close combat. This kit can be used to build either regular Kroxigor, armed with heavy mauls, or Kroxigor Warspawned carrying armour-piercing war-picks.

Raptadon Hunters

GWPreorders May27 RaptadonHunters

Mounted skinks riding swift raptadons are frequently used to harry the flanks of an opposing force. This multi-option kit can build either a unit of Raptadon Hunters, mixing it up with ranged atlatls and deft clubs, or Raptadon Chargers, who hit home as hard as possible with arcane Tepok lances.

GWPreorders May27 RaptadonChargers

Aggradon Lancers

GWPreorders May27 Aggradons

When heavier cavalry are required to shatter enemy formations, Aggradon Lancers are chosen for the skill of their Saurus riders and the raw aggression of their aggradon mounts. Their primal rage rises every round they stay in combat, driving the aggradons to strike faster and faster with their teeth and claws.*

Saurus Warriors

GWPreorders May27 Saurus

The bulk of a Seraphon legion is made up of hardy Saurus Warriors, a savage Battleline unit who combine the ferocity of feral beasts with the discipline of trained soldiers. They can be armed with spears or clubs, and are heavily protected by their thick scales and ornate shields.*

Saurus Astrolith Bearer

GWPreorders May27 Astrolith

Though Saurus don’t make natural spellcasters, they can still support the front lines with the aid of Azyr itself. Saurus Astrolith Bearers use their totems to form a cosmic connection with the energies of the Realm of Heavens, suffusing their comrades with magical power and spurring them to fight ever harder.*

All of these miniatures are available to pre-order now on the Games Workshop webstore.

* These products have been delayed in Japan.

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