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NOVA Open Previews – Iron Armour and Very Heavy Ordnance in the Horus Heresy

Dreadnoughts in the Horus Heresy were simply built different, in a glorious trinity of classic chassis – Leviathan, Contemptor, and Deredeo. The former two transcended their resin roots in the recent past, but the latter was still to arrive in plastic. Until now…

This heavy hitter is slowly stomping into view with serene finality of purpose, and some heckin’ big boomsticks. 

As you’ve come to expect from once resin kits converted into practical plastic, the eminently posable Deredeo comes with plenty of options to provide a long-range gun platform of exquisite utility. For your primary weapons, pick from an arm-mounted Anvilus autocannon battery or a Hellfire plasma cannonade, alongside an Aiolos missile battery and a choice of torso-mounted heavy bolters or heavy flamers. 

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Add to that a choice of armour panels, heads, and leg poses, and you can bring a fleet of these bad boys to your next battle and no two need ever look alike. 

While you’re at it, why not join them with these all-new MK III Tactical Marines?

This fantastic plastic kit replaces the existing – and now quite venerable – miniatures with a flexible new squad of Iron-armoured Marines.

They’re fully compatible with all the recent special and heavy weapons kits for the Horus Heresy, and the basic sprues include head options, bolters, polt pistols, grenades, vexillas, nuncio-voxes, and augury scanners. The Sergeants even get to pick a plasma pistol, power weapons, or a lightning claw.

You may now finally outfit Legions like the Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, and Salamanders with the hefty armour that befits their obduracy – though obviously every Legion can (and should!) field a squad or two of these tanky tyros. You can even bring them to games of Warhammer 40,000 should you so choose.

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But where to acquire this fabulous new gear? It’ll all be available at first in the forthcoming Legiones Astartes Battle Group. This massive box contains a whopping THIRTY MK III Tactical Space Marines, one Deredeo Dreadnought, and a Land Raider Proteus for good measure. 

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But that’s not it! You also get a Legion Special Weapons set, containing five lots each of plasma guns, meltaguns, flamers, rotor cannon, volkite chargers, and volkite calivers. Shove them into the Land Raider, and deliver your choice of high-energy death to the enemies/adherents of the Emperor!

This boxed set will arrive for pre-order sooner than you think – and there’s even more to come from the Horus Heresy soon (yes, including those hotly anticipated MK VI Assault Squads). But for now, check back to the NOVA hub to see what else we’ve revealed today.

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