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NOVA Previews – Bow Deeply for Élisse Duchaard

The Old World project continues to gather momentum, with recent in-depth developer diaries covering the main factions at play and new rules concepts.

Today it’s time to reveal a brand new miniature for the Bretonnians! Lady Élisse Duchaard is a Prophetess of the Lady of the Lake, and a powerful Wizard who rides a muscular unicorn into battle alongside knights and peasantry.

The Handmaidens of the Lady of the Lake aid their allies with magical powers rooted in the natural realm. These blessed practitioners of the arcane arts occupy positions of high esteem in Bretonnian society. Accordingly, they are also granted the right to ride unicorns into battle, making them a potent threat in the whirling melee.

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Élisse Duchaard bears all the symbols of her station – a golden grail, flowing robes of finest silk, and a mystical glowing sceptre. Her unicorn mount Ariandir needs no saddle, but is wreathed with vines and flowers that tighten his rider’s bond with nature.

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This gorgeous resin miniature can trace its noble lineage back to previous Grail Damsels from Warhammer Fantasy Battles, though in the Old World Élisse Duchaard predates these characters, due to the time frame of the game.


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